Home Credit Notes Financing Volumes Up To IDR 51 Trillion By The End Of 2022

JAKARTA - Home Credit Indonesia recorded that the total volume of financing by the end of 2022 reached IDR 51 trillion. In which, the number of Home Credit subscribers rose to 5.8 million by the end of 2022.

Whereas in 2013, Hoe Credit's subscribers only reached 300 thousand subscribers.

Home Credit Indonesia President Director Animesh Narang said this very significant growth was also accompanied by the increasing inclusion of Home Credit financial services where 35 percent of service customers have lived outside Java in the last 10 years.

"In addition, the average number of first-time borrowers or individuals who are using formal financing services per month will reach 32 percent in 2022," he said, quoting Antara, Monday, February 20.

Through its financial services that have continued to grow for 10 years, Home Credit is committed to continuing to open public access to the formal economy while at the same time encouraging Indonesia's economic growth in a sustainable manner.

Our services continue to grow following the dynamic needs of the Indonesian people. In 2013, Home Credit became a pioneer in providing financing for goods in stores with a focus on affordability and comfort," he said.

Now Home Credit services can be accessed through the My Home Credit digital application and customers can get financing offers such as 0 percent interest in a few minutes.

Home Credit services are also increasingly adaptive and varied, where in addition to financing goods, customers can take advantage of various digital services such as business capital financing, insurance, pay later to e-wallet through the My Home Credit application which has been used by 14.3 million registered users at the end of December 2022.

"As for the goods financing service, it can now be accessed in more than 23 thousand stores in 217 cities or regencies in Indonesia," said Animesh.