Stimulated Red Order, Minister Teten Maduki Officially Becomes A PDIP Cadre

Minister of Cooperatives and MSMEs Teten Masduki has officially become a PDI-P cadre (PDIP). This was marked by the embedding of a jacket bearing the PDIP to Teten by the Secretary General of the PDIP DPP Hasto Kristiyanto in Lebak District Square, Banten, Sunday, February 19.

Initially, Teten stood beside Hasto, on the main stage, when opening the Alert Apple briefing. Hasto then introduced Teten to the participants of the standby rally. Hasto said that Teten's appointment as a minister was in accordance with the wishes of PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri. Hasto also said that Teten was a PDIP cadre.

the participants were on standby. Hasto said that Teten's appointment as a minister was in accordance with the wishes of PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri. Hasto also called Teten a PDIP cadre.

"We give a strong applause to Mr. Teten Masduki. He is also a PDI-P cadre. By Mrs. Megawati Soekarnoputri, when Mr. President Jokowi discussed the composition of the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet, according to her leadership and track record, Mr. Teten Masduki is trusted as Minister of Cooperatives," said Hasto.

Hasto then gave directions to the management of the Banten DPD, Lebak DPC, and regional officials at other district/city levels. At the end of his directive, Hasto again mentioned the entry of Teten to the PDIP.

According to Hasto, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) wants an increase in the people's economy through cooperatives. Hasto pinned the PDIP jacket to the former Indonesian Corruption Watch (ICW) activist.

"Before I end it, I present the jacket of the Minister of Cooperatives to his commitment to Wong Cilik which is in accordance with the PDI-P ideology. Mr. Teten Masduki, please accept it. This is a symbol of Wong Cilik," he explained.

Hasto also invited Teten to speak in front of PDIP cadres regarding Teten's efforts to take sides with the little people and the release of Marhaen through the cooperative.

Meanwhile, Teten conveyed his program regarding the people's economic ecosystem when helping President Jokowi. According to him, there are three things that he has implemented in general in the government.

"Pak Jokowi has determined that 30 percent of bank credit must be for MSMEs. Today it is 20 percent," said Teten

In addition, Teten has also made efforts to make business easier. He emphasized that no more difficulties for the people's efforts. Third, government spending of 40 percent or around Rp. 400 trillion from the state budget is currently required to buy MSME products and cooperatives.

"This will strengthen the people's economy," he continued.