Members Of KSP Indosurya Support Henry Surya Complete Homologation After Free

JAKARTA - Henry Surya's release at the West Jakarta District Court has become a breath of fresh air for members of the Indosurya Savings and Loans Cooperative (KSP) who want Homologation or peace agreement to be resumed. This is because the detention and criminal cases that ensnared Henry actually disrupted the installment payments. They admitted that they still saw Henry had good intentions in resolving the Homologation decision agreed by the 6,000 members of KSP Indosurya, in installments of payments, after no longer undergoing detention.

One of the members of KSP Indosurya, Hendra Kardito admitted that he was wrong by filing a complaint with Henry Surya to the police. Later, he believed the peaceful path was more just and therefore he withdrew the report to the police.

"I became a witness in court, but after a lot of discussion, I saw more peaceful ways than that, with long discussions finally withdrawing reports from the police," he told reporters at Grha Surya, Setiabudi, South Jakarta, Friday, February 17.

Hendra said he prioritized the best solution for all members, namely by solving according to homologation.

Similarly, Roy Perlindungan Sinaga, the attorney for several cooperative members, said that Henry Surya's release also made the resumption of the peace agreement for members, namely payments to creditors.

"I hope that from 6,000 members, they can also do the same (continue peace). So that trust in Mr. HS can be accepted by the public. Hopefully Mr. HS can do and carry out his obligations well," he said in the same place.

Another member of KSP Indosurya, Jeti, agrees that this is a civil case. He saw Henry Surya with good intentions for as long as he carried out his obligations to some members.

"There are many witnesses and evidence that some of us have been completed from the Indosurya KSP," he said.

He hopes that other members will provide space for KSP Indosurya to work to settle their obligations according to homologation. He also hopes that the government can facilitate him to become a moderator in this effort.

Steven, other members invite KSP Indosurya members to open their hearts to make peace with themselves first. He added that if Henry Surya continued to have problems with the law, it would continue to be difficult to settle payments for members.

"Second, we must make peace with the existing management, this concerns 6000 members. I am grateful that it has begun to be resolved with him (Henry Surya). I am optimistic that if there are no obstacles, it can be resolved properly. The principle of cooperative is from members for members, mutual cooperation," he said.

Another member of KSP Indosurya, Mrs. Roling said he was happy to meet again with the management of KSP Indosurya. He admitted to being a member for 10 months and then failed to pay.

"I believe Mr. HS is committed to solving this problem. However, the installment process stopped because Mr. HS was detained. I felt everything was completely unclear when Mr. HS was detained. Now that he has been released, let's put our trust that Indosurya will solve it one by one. Let's pray for the management and eliminate negative thoughts, because we members and administrators want to finish it well," he said.

KSP Indosurya's lawyer, Soesilo Aribowo, said that the Indosurya KSP case was actually very simple, because from the start this case was civil.

"Why? When he failed to pay and filed for bankruptcy, then Mr. Henry answered with PKPU. What is the point? There is a peace plan," said Soesilo.

So, he continued, when the KSP Indosurya had already paid the peace plan and that was where the agreement was born. This refers to the Bankruptcy Law. When there is bankruptcy, the initial PKPU rules, which are essentially peace. There is peace and the point is agreement. Soesilo said, when the agreement has been implemented or payment is made, then that's the civil case.

The Bankruptcy Law, he said, also said that when it was PKPU, it was the obligation of KSP Indosurya and its members.

"So members are not necessarily dissatisfied with reporting the crime. If it is like this, then there is no use for PKPU anymore," he said.

Soesilo said, as a result of the criminal report, Henry was detained so that he could not pay the members. He mentioned that there was great pressure on Henry regarding the crime and the confiscation of assets for the state.

"The concept that is built out there is that assets will be confiscated, sold and distributed to members. That's the concept that prosecutor investigators want to do now. That's actually later if there is a default on peace," he said.

He hopes that the members will give the opportunity to KSP Indosurya to complete the peace agreement. Because if there is a confiscation of assets related to bankruptcy, technically there will be difficulties regarding how to distribute them.

"This is not an easy thing, but a difficult thing. This mechanism is in the Bankruptcy Law. So, what has never appeared or dominated is the issue of PKPU Homologation. The debate has been completed, the trial has been completed, we are in a PKPU condition. That's what's rolling," he said.

Soesilo said that currently there has been no legal decision, because there is still a cassation from the prosecutor to the Supreme Court. Regarding the amount of funds, he emphasized that there was no figure of Rp. 106 trillion. But only Rp. 16 trillion, according to the figures in the PKPU. Likewise, the number of members of KSP Indosurya which is in the light of 6 thousand, not 23,000.

Meanwhile, the founder of KSP Indosurya, Henry Surya, on the same occasion emphasized that he was ready to take responsibility for 6000 members of KSP Indosurya because they were already bound by the PKPU decision.

"I remain committed and responsible for undergoing homologation, that's why I invite my fellow members to be able to support and testify for our common interest, because there are still many members who are negotiating," said Henry.

Henry admits that solving this problem is not as easy as imagined, therefore it needs sufficient time and clear thinking. Even so, Henry believes he can solve it.

"I'm already outside (restrictions), I will solve it. My goal is to solve these problems. Because this problem has a considerable impact on me and my family on a business basis. So, the solution is to be resolved and I am sure with the principle of faith, we can fix it," he said.

Regarding the development of Homologation, Henry revealed that before being detained by the Police, he had completed the homologation process for members of IDR 2.5 trillion.

"After I was detained, I automatically couldn't walk. Now I'm outside and we can do homologation. Hopefully with the support of my fellow members, all of them can help each other, because KSP Indosurya is from members to members. We believe this problem will be resolved," he said.