Three Udayana University Officials Have Been Named As Suspects For Alleged Corruption In The Abuse Of SPI Funds

Three officials within Udayana University were named suspects by the Bali High Prosecutor's Office in the investigation of alleged corruption in the misuse of institutional development funds (SPI) new students for self-selection at state universities (PTN). Head of the Legal Information Section of the Bali High Prosecutor's Office A Luga Harlianto in Denpasar, Bali, Sunday said the three PTN officials, namely IKB, IMY and NPS, were named as suspects based on investigations carried out in the field of Special Crimes at the Bali High Prosecutor's Office. Determination of the three suspects, said Luga, was carried out after since October 24, 2022, Bali Attorney General's Office investigators worked professionally and according to the procedural law carried out a number of investigative actions, either asking for witness statements, expert opinions, conducting searches and confiscation of related documents. "All of this was done to find, and to collect evidence that with that evidence made light of the crime that occurred and to find the suspect," he said, quoted by Antara.

He said investigators had named IKB and IMY as suspects in the alleged corruption crime of misuse of SPIMAhasiswa funds for the new independent path selection for the academic year 2020/2021, as well as NPS as suspects in alleged corruption in the misuse of SPIhasis funds and then self-selection for the academic year 2018/2019 to the academic year 2022/2023. According to him, the activities of officials involved in the committee for accepting new students in the selection of independent pathways at Udayana University should be suspected of having contributed to the occurrence of levies or the imposition of SPI money without a basis to prospective students in the implementation of admissions of new independent pathway students at the university. The three suspects, he said, allegedly violated Article 12 letter e Jo. Article 18 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the eradication of corruption crimes which has been amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning amendments to Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the eradication of Jo's corruption crime. Article 55 paragraph (1) KUHP. He mentioned that with the stipulation of the suspect, the total receipt of undiscussed SPI money to prospective students amounting to Rp3.8 billion, and this amount has the potential to increase as the examination will certainly be more intensively carried out by investigators.