The Attorney General's Office Of DKI Has Detained 3 Suspects In The Corruption Of PGN's Subsidiaries, Which Makes The Statetails Rp23 Billion.

JAKARTA - The DKI High Prosecutor's Office has named and detained three suspects in the alleged corruption case at PT PGAS Solution, a subsidiary of state-owned company PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN).

Kasipenkum Kejati DKI, Ade Sofyansyah explained that in the alleged corruption case for payment for procurement and rental of the tools for making geothermal wells in 2018, the DKI Jakarta Attorney General's Office detained suspects YT, YKW, and AM for investigation purposes.

"In the investigation stage, investigators detained the suspect YT at the Salemba State Detention Center at the South Jakarta District Attorney's Office, suspect YKW at the Salemba State Detention Center, the Attorney General's Office Branch, while the suspect AM is at the Class I State Detention Center, Central Jakarta," Ade wrote in a statement received in Jakarta, Thursday 9 February quoted by Antara.

In 2018, suspect YKW as the President Director of PT Taruna Aji Kharisma (PT TAK) submitted a partnership proposal for the work of drilling IPM Sumur Panas Bumi to the suspect YT as the Technical and Development Director of PT PGAS Solution.

At that time, it was stated that PT did not have an Integrated Project Management (IPM) Contract Number 104/SGE-TAK/IPM/XII/2017 dated December 19, 2017 between PT Sabang Geothermal Energy (PT SGE) and PT. Not worth 5 million US dollars, and Rp. 3.4 billion with a working location in Jaboi, Sabang, Aceh.

To carry out the contract, PT does not need capital to pay vendors US$1.3 million, and later PT PGAS Solution will be given a profit or profit sharing of 14 percent of the capital value issued.

Based on AD/ART, it turns out that PT PGAS Solution does not have a basic core to finance PT TAK, but PT TAK can't submit a purchase order to PT PGAS Solution and then PT PGAS Solution and PT DOES not agree that the purchase order will be carried out by Suspect AM as Director of PT Adhidaya Nusaprima Tekhnindo (PT ANT) who has been registered with the Procurement Integrated System (PIS) at PT PGAS Solution.

Furthermore, PT TAK and PT PGAS Solution agreed on the Purchase Order Number PO/0036/TAK/IPM-SGE/II/18 dated February 6, 2018, to provide materials/equipment for drilling geothermals worth IDR 24.6 billion.

Purchase Order Number PO/0067/TAK/IPM-SGE/V/18 dated May 11, 2018, for the rental of the Blow Out Preventer (BOP) equipment worth Rp9.8 billion which does not include VAT.

Then PT PGAS Solution appointed PT ANT who did not have experience and ability as a provider of geothermal drilling, by issuing Purchase Order Number PO 001.PO/GT/PGAS/III/2018 dated February 15, 2018, worth IDR 22 billion concerning the provision of materials and equipment for drilling geothermal wells.

Then the cooperation agreement for the provision of Blow Out Preventer (BOP) equipment Number 001.PR/GT2/PGAS/V/2018 dated May 16, 2018, worth more than IDR 9.7 billion.

PT ANT has never provided materials and equipment for drilling geothermal wells according to the purchase order and has also not implemented a Cooperation Agreement for the provision of Blow Out Preventer (BOP) equipment from PT PGAS Solution, because the provision of materials/equipment for drilling geothermals and rentals for Blow Out Preventer (BOP) equipment was carried out by PT TAK itself.

For the administrative completeness of disbursement of payments to PT ANT, a Minutes of Inspection and News of Goods Receivables (BAST) signed by the suspect YT as the Technical and Development Director of PT PGAS Solution, suspect YKW as the President Director of PT TAK, and suspect AM as the Director of PT ANT.

"It is as if there has been a handover of goods from PT PGAS Solution provided by PT ANT to PT TAK, so on the basis of the BAST PT PGAS Solution made a payment to PT ANT, which then PT ANT handed over the payment money to PT TAK," wrote Ade.

In the procurement and rental of geothermal well manufacturing equipment in 2018 by PT PGAS Solution, there was a violation of the provisions of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 17 of 2003 concerning State Finance, Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 19 of 2003 concerning State-Owned Enterprises and its implementation regulations, including the Regulation of the Minister of SOEs Number PER-05/MBU/2008 concerning General Guidelines for the Implementation of the Procurement of Goods and Services for State-Owned Enterprises, Decree of the Director of PT PGAS Solution Number 005100.S/LG.01/Director of/2018 dated 12 February 2018 concerning Changes to the Procurement Operations Procedures for Projected Goods/Services.

"The actions of suspects YT, YKW and AM resulted in state losses of more than Rp. 23.8 billion, as reported by the audit results of the calculation of state financial losses of the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) Representative of DKI Jakarta Province," wrote Ade.

The articles alleged against the suspects YT, YKW and AM violated the provisions of Article 2 paragraph (1), Article 3, Jo Article 18 paragraph (1) letter b of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 31 of 1999 as amended by Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2001 concerning Amendments to Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code.