From Pontianak, Deputy Minister Of Finance Suahasil Emphasized APBN Support For MSMEs

JAKARTA – The Ministry of Finance today held the Ministry of Finance's One Synergy and Collaboration activity for Sustainable MSME Empowerment which took place at the Pontianak Treasury Regional Office, West Kalimantan.

On this occasion, Deputy Minister of Finance (Wamenkeu) Suahasil Nazara said that the government is committed to encouraging the strengthening of the people's business sector through various strategic policies.

"In order to revive MSMEs, it is necessary for the Ministry of Finance in the regions to have a good understanding of leading sectors, inflation rates, poverty levels, social protection conditions, and employment conditions," he said in a written statement on Wednesday, February 8.

According to Suahasil, the ranks of the Ministry of Finance need comprehensive knowledge related to the economic sector and not only focus on implementing the state budget.

"Ministry of Finance One needs to elevate the dignity of representative offices, one of which is by understanding regional affairs, not just understanding the state budget," he stressed.

For information, Ministry of Finance One activities are scheduled to take place during the 2023 period in ten provinces starting from West Kalimantan.

Through optimizing fiscal instruments, it is hoped that MSMEs can continue to grow by utilizing digital transactions so they can compete globally.

Meanwhile, one proof of support for MSMEs in the regions is through the Domestic Government Credit Card (KKP) scheme.

"We encourage this so that we can increase the income of MSMEs. The APBN is here to protect and prosper the community and its benefits can be felt by all levels of society," concluded Suahasil.