Operasi Keselamatan 2023 Mulai Hari Ini, Mencatat Daftar Pelanggaran Lalu Lintas Yang Bakal Ditindak

YOGYAKARTA The 2023 Safety Operation will be held starting today, Tuesday, February 7, 2023. This operation will be held for two weeks until February 20, 2023. The police will prioritize preventive, educative, and persuasive aspects when taking action against traffic violators in the operation.

"The 2023 Safety Operation will be carried out on February 7 to 20, 2023, by prioritizing preventive, educative, and persuasive actions," said Head of the Corruption Crimes Unit of the National Police, AKBP Bargani, as quoted from the official website of the Traffic Corps (Korlantas) Polri, Tuesday, February 7, 2023.

The 2023 Safety Operations activity was held to reduce the number of traffic violations.

In addition, the Safety Operation is also expected to reduce the number of traffic accidents and the fatality number of accident victims, as well as increase community discipline in traffic.

List of Traffic Violations That Will Be Enforcementd During Operation Safety 2023

In the 2023 Safety Operation, the police took action against various visible traffic violations (traffics). Such as motorists who do not wear helmets, against directions and potential disturbances that cause congestion.

In addition, the police will also take action against traffic violations and accidents both on toll roads and on non-toll roads.

Bargani asked the public to continue to comply with traffic rules while driving.

"That way, it is hoped that security, safety, order and smooth traffic can be realized," said Bargani.

Adapted from the West Jakarta Metro Police Twitter account, at least 10 types of driving violations will be dealt with in Operation Safety 2023, among others:

Police Pastikan Tilang Elektronik Saat Operasi Keselamatan 2023

In fines for the 2023 Safety Operation, the Police will continue to prioritize static and mobile electronic traffic law enforcement (ETLE).

Kasubag Reps Bagops Korlantas Polri AKBP Bargani said the electronic ticket used both static ETLE and mobile ETLE cameras.

"We urge the public to continue to comply with the applicable traffic rules in order to create a Then Kamseltibcar," said Bargani.

Polda Metro Jaya Holds Operation Safety Jaya 2023

Polda Metro Jaya on Tuesday, February 7, 2023 held a troop rally before holding Operation Keselamatan Jaya.

"Today we are holding an assembly for the Jaya 2023 Operation Safety troops to increase public awareness of traffic," said Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General Fadil Imran while leading the rally at Polda Metro.

Fadil Imran said Operation Keselamatan Jaya 2023 focuses on persuasive appeals, preventive measures, and traffic enforcement using ETLE and mobile.

This is information about the 2023 safety operation held by the Korlantas Polri. Update on the latest developments is only on VOI.id.