The Number of Crypto Investors in Indonesia Reaches 16.55 Million

JAKARTA - Based on data from the Commodity Futures Trading Regulatory Agency (Bappebti), the total crypto investors from 2020-2022 continued to increase significantly.

At the opening of the Crypto Literacy Month some time ago, CoFTRA stated that at the end of 2020 the number of crypto investors was at 4 million investors.

Then, the following year it rose very drastically to 11.2 million investors. And in 2022, CoFTRA noted that crypto investors had grown to 16.55 million investors in Indonesia.

Meanwhile, the total transaction volume in 2021 will increase to IDR 859.4 trillion in 2021, growing 1.224% compared to the transaction value in 2020 of IDR 64.9 trillion.

It is from this background that CoFTRA together with the Association of Indonesian Crypto Asset Traders (ASPAKRINDO) are holding a Crypto Literacy Month throughout February, from February 2 to 28, 2023 to be precise to provide education regarding crypto assets in Indonesia.

This Crypto Literacy Month also has the goal of creating awareness and providing understanding about crypto and as a means of establishing good relations with stakeholders.

Acting Head of CoFTRA Didid Noordiatmoko in his official statement, hopes that when the Crypto Literacy Month event is over, he wants the public to be more aware and know more, understand more, not go blindly and invest in crypto not just go along with it.

To support the development of crypto asset trading in Indonesia, the Indonesian Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) also revealed that it would present the Indonesian Crypto Exchange before June this year.