How To Calculate Holiday Wages On Workdays And Holidays According To Government Regulation Number 35 Of 2021

YOGYAKARTA How to calculate employee overtime wages? The following article will review the calculation of overtime wages based on the provisions stated in Government Regulation (PP) Number 35 of 2021 concerning Work Agreements for Certain Time, Transfer, Working Time and Resttime, and Termination of Work Relations.

According to PP No. 35/2021, what is meant by overtime, namely:

Meanwhile, overtime work wages are wages paid by the company to workers/laborers who carry out work overtime.

As for the intended working time according to PP Number 35 of 2021, namely:

The company can employ employees exceeding the working time limit provided there are urgent needs that must be completed immediately and must be handled immediately. An overtime work order can be given after fulfilling the following requirements:

Because employees have worked more than working time, employers are required to pay overtime wages. In addition, the company is also required to provide sufficient opportunities to rest and provide food and drinks at least 1,400 kilo calories for overtime work for 4 hours or more.

Formulae for calculating the Lembur Wage on Working Day

Before calculating the overtime pay on weekdays, the Company needs to determine employee salaries per hour first with the following formula:

Wage per hour = 1/173 x wage a month

For example, the salary of your employee is IDR 5,000,000 per month, so the calculation of wages an hour is: 1/173 x IDR 5,000,000 = IDR 28,901

Furthermore, the calculation of overtime wages is carried out with the following conditions:

If your employee works overtime for 3 hours on Friday, then the wage calculation is:

The total overtime wage is IDR 43,352 + IDR 57,802 + IDR 57,802 = IDR 158,956

Formulae for calculating the Lembur Wage on Holidays

Companies that employ workers or laborers are required to pay overtime work wages, if overtime work is done on weekly break days and or have to have an official holiday for work time 6 o'clock work and 40 hours a week, with the following conditions:

If the official holiday falls on a working day, the calculation of overtime work wages becomes:

As for the working time of 5 working days and 40 hours in the seminggi, the calculation of the overtime pay is:

This is information on how to calculate employee overtime wages on weekdays and holidays according to PP Number 35 of 2021. Updates on the latest news developments are only on