Take Care Of Environment, Ganjar Adaptated Go Green Concept In Central Java Development Planning

JAKARTA - Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo is adapting the Go Green concept in development planning in Central Java in 2023 to protect the environment and pay attention to community spatial planning.

"Right now the trend is Go Green, so then we try to discuss it with many audiences, including the local government," said Ganjar at the Opening of the 2023 Central Java Province Development Planning Consultation, as quoted from Antara.

According to Ganjar, he will convey the concept during the regional development planning meetings in the six former residencies of Central Java.

At the Musrenbangwil, Ganjar will ask regional heads to pay attention to development spatial planning and to take care of environmental aspects to be prioritized in the context of development.

"Because the need for space is indeed higher, I often tease that 'spatial planning is often inferior to financial planning' because the most important need is to get money, even though it will reduce the carrying capacity of the environment, including its gradation," he said.

The PDIP politician also reminded that development pays attention to population growth so that development can be in line with the availability of jobs including the question of food supply and stock of all needs fulfilled.

“The second is accommodation for a growing population. Now there is a demographic bonus, we have to give space, we give work, prepare food, and so on," he said.

To support the concept and needs of this development, Ganjar said that his party would use various technologies, especially for spatial planning and environmental aspects.

"So we have to include technology and not the ordinary ones, they have to be extraordinary ones so we have to be better at spatial planning and the environment," he said.