Preventing Early Marriage, Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of West Bangka Educating 6 School Students Regarding the Impact If Done
BABEL - The Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion (Kanwil Kemenag) of West Bangka Regency is involved in educating school-age youth by providing counseling to prevent early marriage under the age of 19.
Head of the Islamic Community Guidance Section of the West Bangka Ministry of Religion Office, Syafrian Isbihani, said that efforts to avoid early marriage can also prevent the possibility of divorce and domestic violence, including the potential for stunting in babies born.
"Last year we held it in six schools, both SMA (high school level) and MA (Madrasah Aliyah) involving 300 students, while this year the plan is for four schools," he said in Mentok, West Bangka, Bangka Belitung Islands Province (Babel), Friday, February 3, confiscated by Antara.
The guidance was attended by male and female students of the school concerned. His party also collaborated with competent sources to strengthen understanding of the importance of preventing early marriages, including from the Health Office, the Office of Religious Affairs, the Education Office, the Civil Registry Service, National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN), and the local Ministry of Religion.
Socialization and counseling to high school students of the same level is important so that they understand more about the importance of taking care of themselves, so that they are not drawn into free sex, pregnancy out of wedlock and marriage at an immature age.
He said based on survey results from several parties, early marriage is more prone to divorce and can be one of the causes of malnutrition in infants and stunting.
"We are helping to prevent this case from increasing and we will continue to encourage the younger generation to have broader insights, so they are able to develop the potential that exists within each of them," he said.
Parents are expected to always pay attention to their children and be flexible in continuing their education to a higher level and practicing religious values in everyday life.
In addition to educational activities at schools, the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion also put up a number of bulletin boards in strategic places and the Religious Affairs Office (KUA) related to socialization on the prevention of early marriage and unregistered marriages.
"This is a form of our commitment to implement the Marriage Law and the agreement with the Governor of Babylon in preventing early marriage and unregistered marriage," he emphasized.