Get Ready Investor! PP Incentive Investment IKN Will Exit In Two Weeks

Head of the State Capital Authority (IKN) Bambang Susantono said Government Regulation (PP) regarding investment incentives in IKN Nusantara will be issued in the next one to two weeks.

"PP God willing (out) in one or two weeks, God willing. So in the next two weeks we want to make a comprehensive socialization of what incentives will really be given in IKN. In the PP, all will be seen," he said, quoting Antara, Friday, February 3.

Bambang said that later special incentives in IKN would be fully implemented in all sectors to attract investment in the new capital city.

However, he was reluctant to reveal in more detail the incentives in question. In the presentation at the same event, the draft government regulation plan related to investment in the archipelago includes a number of incentives offered, including tax holidays for investment, tax holidays for office relocation, super tax deduction for certain activities, taxes specifically for financial centers to special treatment for value added tax.

"So what Mr. Bahlil (Investment Minister) said, that this will be more interesting than other places, this is true. Maybe a longer period of time, or a higher level. With hope because this is a pioneer, it is an intensity so that people want to invest in new places," he said.

Previously, the Minister of Investment/Head of BKPM Bahlil Lahadalia ensured that investment incentives in the state capital (IKN) of the archipelago would be much larger and better than other regions in Indonesia.

"For IKN, I emphasize, strengthen, that tax holidays or other incentives in IKN are greater and better than other regions in Indonesia. Because we treat lex specialis for IKN," he said.

According to Bahlil, the special facilities are provided to stimulate investment in IKN. The reason is, as a new program, incentives are considered to be an attraction so that investors can enter and invest there.

"This is all in order to stimulate so that when people invest, IRR can be fast, BEP (break event point) can definitely be how long, and I assure you, you will not lose investment there," added Bahlil.