To Increase Economic Growth, Menparekraf Sandiaga Encourages Indonesian Filmmakers To Dare To Take Risks In Their Works

JAKARTA - The Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Uno encourages creative economy players (ekraf), especially in the film subsector, to actively work with full creativity and dare to take risks such as choosing genres that don't always follow market tastes.

Sandiaga said, taking risks in creating is one of the important criteria for being successful as a filmmaker or actor in the film subsector.

"Dare to take risks, film titles or topics that seem risky can actually present a breakthrough, but if we present a good product, we will receive a positive response from the public," said Sandiaga in Jakarta, quoted on Tuesday, 31 January.

He gave an example of a work that takes advantage of opportunities, one of which is a film about mental health entitled "Kukira Kau Rumah" (2021), starring Prilly Latuconsina, managed to get a large number of viewers.

The film was shown in a different genre and remained competitive amidst the onslaught of horror genre films that dominated the market at that time.

Filmmakers who are able to take advantage of these opportunities will certainly have their own characteristics because they don't just go with the flow.

Furthermore, Sandi also encourages filmmakers to continue to innovate, adapt, collaborate, maintain relationships, hone soft skills, and apply the 4AS work principles (Hard Work, Smart Work, Complete Work, and Sincere Work) in working in the era of industry 4.0 and society. 5.0.

He also said that his party opened opportunities by facilitating and providing assistance and other things needed by filmmakers in supporting the Indonesian film ecosystem.

One concrete form of their support is the competency-based training (PBK) activity for the film sub-sector which was inaugurated last Monday.

Sandiaga also gave an example of another commitment in the form of a monthly festival which was held in 2022 and will be held again this year.

"For 2023, we will focus on this festival as new motivation and enthusiasm for young filmmakers to always work," he said.