Romanhurmuziy's Curhatan Replied About The Minimized Detention Facility, KPK: Prisoners Are Indeed Prohibited From Completeing Rooms With TV Or Fans

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) ensures that the management of their detention centers is in accordance with the regulations. The absence of refrigerators and heating devices is indeed regulated in Permenkumham Number 6 of 2013 concerning Order of Corrections and State Detention Centers.

This was conveyed by the Head of the KPK News Section, Ali Fikri, in response to the statement by the Chairman of the Advisory Council of the United Development Party (PPP) Romahurmuziy or Rommy. The former convict in a corruption case said the condition of the KPK Detention Center was inhumane because there were no stoves or food heaters needed.

"KPK ensures that the management of the KPK Detention Center is in accordance with Article 4 letter (i) which states that every inmate or prisoner is prohibited from completing residential rooms with cooling equipment, fans, television, and/or other electronic devices," Ali told VOI in a written statement, Tuesday, January 31.

Even so, the detainees still get food facilities. However, the budget is not the KPK that determines it but the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu).

The menus presented for detainees vary. Every 10 days the changes are carried out, such as in detention centers and correctional institutions at the Directorate General of PAS of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights," said Ali.

Next, the prisoners can also get food from the visiting families. The schedule for visiting prisoners every Monday and Thursday at 10.00-12.00 WIB and 14.00-16.00 WIB.

"KPK also conveyed an appeal to families or relatives to bring healthy and nutritious food. This is to keep the prisoners in good health so that they can follow the law enforcement process properly and smoothly," he said.

It did not stop there, the KPK also provided facilities for detainees. Among them are joint spaces to watch television broadcasts; joint room for worship; Friday prayer activities at the Guntur Mosque; sports facilities equipped with table tennis, static bicycles and sports areas.

Next, said Ali, doctors and nurses are also available. They are always on guard if there are complaints of illness from the detainees.

"This is the KPK's commitment to ensure that the management of detention centers is in accordance with applicable regulations and upholds human rights," he said.

Previously, Romahurmuziy recalled the moment he was detained at the KPK Detention Center. He was a resident for being involved in alleged bribery at the Ministry of Religion.

"There is no heating, there is no refrigerator. There is nothing. So that's what I see is inhumane," Rommy said, quoted from YouTube, Monday, January 30.

Not only that, Rommy also highlighted the food provided by the prisoners in the detention center. He said, indeed eating was given three times a day.

However, he considers his nutrition insufficient for the needs of the detainees. Moreover, in a day they are only allocated a menu with a budget of tens of thousands of rupiah once they eat.

"If I'm not mistaken, the fall in one day may be IDR 12 thousand for one meal," he said.

Therefore, many prisoners are waiting when their families send food. However, they also can't often feel family food because prisoners can only be visited twice a week.