Most Children Become Cigarettes Influenced By The Environment

BANDARLAMPUNG - The Office of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (PPPA) of the Bandarlampung City Government (Pemkot) said that the high percentage of smoking at a young age under the age of 15 was due to the influence of the surrounding environment.

"The surrounding environment greatly affects a child to become a smoker. It can be from the home environment, playing or from social media," said Head of the Bandar Lampung Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Service (PPPA), Maryamah, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, January 30.

So, he also asked parents to be wise in giving examples to their children in the house by not smoking in front of them.

"The child has more curiosity without thinking about the side effects. So it is hoped that parents will be wise in giving examples to their children," he said.

Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), the percentage of smoking in the population aged less than 15 years in Lampung Province reached 33.81 percent, which is the highest number compared to the province in Indonesia.

In this regard, Maryamah also said that the local municipal government would intensify the socialization of the dangers of smoking to students and students.

So, he continued, it is hoped that this can reduce the percentage of young smokers in Lampung and especially in Bandar Lampung City.

"We also have Perda Bandarlampung Number 5 of 2018 concerning non-smoking areas to prevent children from smoking. Especially in educational areas, health services and other public places," he said.