After Being Beaten, The Perpetrator Of The Curanmor Dismantled His Clothes, The Residents Got Worse Because There Were Tattoos On His Body

The Matraman Police Criminal Investigation Unit is still conducting an in-depth examination of a motorcycle theft suspect named Abdul Aziz (25), a resident of Paseban Village, Senen District, Central Jakarta.

Matraman Police Chief Kompol Tribuana Roseno said the perpetrator of motorcycle theft was not a recidivist. The motorcycle theft occurred because there was an opportunity.

"When he passed, there was a motorbike parked carelessly. The motorbike was good. His confession was because there was an opportunity, not because there was an intention," said Commissioner Tribuana Roseno when contacted by VOI, Monday, January 30.

The perpetrator admitted that he had just launched a motorcycle theft. The rise of motorcycle theft in the Matraman area is because residents often park motorbikes in any place, thus inviting crime.

"From the confession of the perpetrators that we have secured, they are not recidivists, only once (steal motorbikes)," he said.

Previously, it was reported that a man with the tattoo of a thief was battered by residents when he was caught stealing a motorbike on Pembelar Street, Palmeriam Village, Matraman District, East Jakarta.

The perpetrator was arrested after being provoked by the police and local residents because the area was prone to motorcycle theft. Residents who were furious at the perpetrator's actions, were forced to gang up on the perpetrators until they were battered.

The perpetrator's shirt was also stripped by the residents. It turned out that after being stripped, the perpetrator's body contained a number of tattoos. Residents also judged the perpetrators until their faces were covered in blood.

Matraman Police Chief Kompol Tribuana Roseno said his party managed to secure one perpetrator of motorcycle theft. Meanwhile, another perpetrator managed to escape

"The perpetrator was arrested yesterday in Palmeriam, Matraman. There was suspicious information from residents, then we caught him and one perpetrator was arrested," said Commissioner Tribuana to VOI, Sunday, January 29.