Since 2015, The Aceh Police Have Handled 17 Cases And Established 32 Rohingya Immigrant Suspects

The Aceh Regional Police (Polda) handled 17 cases with 32 Rohingya immigrants suspected in the westernmost province of Indonesia in the crime of trafficking in persons, immigration and narcotics since 2015. The police named 32 people as suspects. The legal process of the case involving Rohingya immigrants was carried out completely until the court," said Aceh Police Chief Inspector General Pol Ahmad Haydar, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, 27 January. Regarding the case involving Rohingya immigrants, Ahmad Haydar said the police coordinated with stakeholders and other relevant agencies. Including coordinating with international UNHCR and IOM institutions that handle Rohing immigrants. This is because the handling of immigrants or asylum seekers is the authority of the government, including institutions both national and international, said Ahmad Haydar. "We continue to coordinate with related agencies and institutions that have domains dealing with Rohingya immigrants in Aceh Province, such as UNHCR and IOM," said the Aceh Police Chief. accompanied by the Director of General Criminal Investigation at the Aceh Police, Kombes Pol. Ade Harianto, Ahmad Haydar said Aceh is the entry point for Rohingya immigrants by sea. Ahmad Haydar said there were seven areas in Aceh that were accompanied by Rohingya immigrants from 2015 to 2023. Namely Aceh Besar Regency, Pidie Regency, Bireuen Regency, North Aceh Regency, Lhokseumawe City, East Aceh Regency, Langsa City and Aceh Tamiang Regency. "As many as 3,077 Rohingya immigrants have landed in Aceh since 2015. With details in 2015 as many as 1,719 people, 43 people in 2016, 79 people in 2018, 396 people in 2020, 81 people in 2021, 575 people in 2022, and 184 people in 2023," said Ahmad Haydar., as well as the UPTD Social Service In Ladong, Aceh Besar District. Until now, there are 526 Rohingya immigrants who are accommodated in the three places. They are still waiting for further handling of the relevant agencies, both IOM and UNHCR, said Ahmad Haydar. The Aceh Police Chief said the police had made various efforts so that the Rohingya immigrants could be controlled and not violated the law. Including reminding them not to run away from shelters. "We also invite the community to supervise immigrants "Rohingya, in order not to run away or to let them be picked up by those who are doing business in their whereabouts. Community participation is needed to wait for the process of handling Rohingya immigrants further," said Ahmad Haydar.