The East Lombok Kejari Sheds Files On 3 Suspected Corruption Of Agricultural Machine Assistance Of Rp3.81 Billion

JAKARTA - Special Criminal Investigators at the East Lombok District Attorney's Office, West Nusa Tenggara, handed over files belonging to three suspects in the alleged corruption case of Rp3.81 billion in the 2018 program of distributing agricultural equipment and machinery to research prosecutors."We have transferred the files belonging to the three suspects today and are now waiting for the results of the prosecutor's research," said Head of the Special Crimes Section of the East Lombok Kejari M. Isa Ansyori when met in Mataram, Antara, Friday, January 27.The three suspects in this case have the initials AM who acts as the executor of an alsintan service business (UPJA) in two sub-districts in the East Lombok region, a former member of the East Lombok DPRD with the initials S, and a former Head of the East Lombok Agriculture Service with the initials Z.In completing the case file, Isa assured that investigators had included evidence that corroborated indications that the three suspects had committed acts against the law.One of the pieces of evidence that strengthens the three of them violates the Corruption Crime Act with a state loss of Rp3.81 billion according to the results of an audit by the NTB Representative Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP).According to the audit results, losses arise from the distribution of alsintan that is not in accordance with the procedure. There are allegations that the agricultural equipment was used for personal gain.Another suspicion is that there are a number of items that are sold and distributed to people who are not entitled or not listed as recipients of assistance according to data from prospective farmers and prospective locations (CPCL).With such evidence, investigators in the files of the three suspects outlined criminal charges of Article 2 paragraph (1) and/or Article 3 in conjunction with Article 18 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law no. 20 of 2001 jo. Article 55 paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code.In handling this case, investigators are still leaving the detention of the three suspects at the Class IIB Selong Penitentiary, East Lombok Regency, starting on December 8, 2022."So, waiting for the results of the prosecutor's research, we still have to extend the detention of the three suspects through the permission of the chairman of the court. We are currently submitting it," he said.Regarding the search for the role of others in this case, Isa said that his party had not found any of the ongoing investigations."Therefore, we are waiting for the trial. If there are facts that reveal the role of others, of course we will carry out development," he said.Each suspect in this case was revealed to have a different role. In one series, suspect S is suspected of acting as the person who ordered suspect AM to form UPJA as the basis for the issuance of CPCL by the Head of the East Lombok Agriculture Service with the initials Z.The CPCL data issued by Z did not go through a verification mechanism so that the UPJA made by AM on S's orders was only in the form of a formality.The project for distributing alsintan aid through the East Lombok Agriculture Service is sourced from the Assistant Directorate General of Agricultural Infrastructure and Facilities at the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia for the 2018 Fiscal Year.In procurement, the government distributes aid in the form of alsintan for farmers registered in two UPJAs in the East Lombok region.The alsintan assistance is in the form of 5 units of 4-wheeled tractors, 60 units of two-wheeled tractors, 3 inches of water pumps, 29 units of irrigation water pumps, and 250 units of "handsprayers".