The Thrower Of The Snake At The House Of The Former Governor Of Banten Wahidin Halim, Will Be Charged With Murder Trials

TANGERANG - Former Governor Wahidin Halim (WH) officially reported the terrorist act of throwing sacks containing dozens of cobras he experienced on Wednesday, January 25, yesterday.

Initially, Wahidin was reluctant to report to the police because he considered the terror he experienced to be normal. And he considered the incident part of the politics he had been involved in so far.

However, because the news was already busy, Wahidin changed his mind. He reported the incident to the police.

At first, Mr. WH seemed to think this was something that was not too serious because he was more senior and more understanding and wise. But because news has developed everywhere, Mr. WH also wants to uphold and find out who the culprit is," he concluded.

"Alhamdulillah, our report has been received in the SPKT section. Our goal is to open this case clearly to give the police the opportunity to work as well as possible and then see the perpetrators later," continued Wahidin Halim's attorney.

Wahidin's attorney explained that the article suspected of the terrorists was Article 338 of the Criminal Code. The reason is that the action was an attempt to endanger the lives of other people.

"Article 338 is an attempted murder in the death of another person," he said.