Water Needs In Children According To Age, Parents Must Know!

YOGYAKARTA Most human bodies are composed by fluids. The body's water content is about 50-60% body weight for adults. Meanwhile in children, the need for water varies, depending on age. Therefore, water is an important thing for survival. So, what is the water need for children?

Just so you know, the water in the child's body occupies a large percentage of the weight. In fact, the percentage is bigger than adults. This is because children have a larger body surface area and less fat content.

At the age of one year, the total volume of water in the body is 65 80 percent of weight. This percentage will decrease with age, to 55 60 percent as a teenager.

The function of the fluid in the human body is:

Normally, body fluids come out through certain amounts of urine, feces, sweat, and breathing.

Liquid is an important component because hydration status is quite beneficial for growth and development. The intake of fluids needed by the body is different by age, gender, muscle mass, and body fat.

Quoted by VOI from the Health Direct page, the recommended daily water intake for children is:

Meanwhile, the need for water for children according to age recommended by the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDAI) is:

It should be noted that in some conditions, children need more fluid intake, such as during exercise, hot/very cold weather, and when traveling long distances.

In these conditions, it is necessary to ensure that children have access to consume fluids. Children are more easily dehydrated than adults because they have a lower sense of thirst and cannot express thirst properly.

Causes of Dehydration in Children

According to Health Direct, children are more prone to dehydration when:

In order not to experience deration, children need to be given enough fluids. Avoid giving isotonic drinks (sport drinks), fruit juice, light drinks, and flavored mineral water because all of them contain sugar and are acidic. This type of drink can cause tooth damage in children.