Plus Mine As A Freelance Worker, Profitless Or Even Disrupts Yes?

YOGYAKARTA - A freelancer is one of the things that tends to polarize people. Some consider it their dream careers. These people are determined to jump in and follow up. Regardless of whether they will never make as much at some of the company's work as possible. Others feel too stressed and demanding. They won't even try it if someone convinces them they will double what they get at their current job. Let's find out plus minus being freelance workers!

The truth lies, as is often the case, between the two. Of course, freelance can be stressful and demanding, but it can be helpful and beneficial.

In this discussion, we will examine several main advantages and disadvantages of being a freelancer.

5 benefits to become a freelancer

Flexible Hours

The first advantage of being a freelancer is that you can work whenever you want. You can choose your own time. If you want to sleep until noon, you can do it. If you want to take a weekend off so you can explore the city, of course, do it. As a freelancer, you can really work during your most productive hours, and those hours don't have to fall into normal working hours.

Control of Jobs andends

When you work for someone else, you can't choose who you work with. You can get caught up with an unprofessional or abusive client. But, when you're a freelancer, you can choose who you work with. If you don't fit into the clients' personality or business or payment philosophy, you can miss the opportunity and wish them all the best. That's as easy as possible."

Work Wherever You Want

Whether you prefer consistency or shake up your work environment, you can choose to work wherever you want, whether you choose to work in a local coffee shop or while you're on vacation in Europe. You are no longer stuck in an office or even in your home. Find a place where you work best. You can work in a park, in a library, or in a living room while wearing your desk.

You're the boss

You no longer have to answer to anyone except your client and yourself. No one is watching you or setting you micro. You are free to do your own thing, whenever you want. Making all decisions is difficult to be your responsibility; you have all control.

You Save All Benefits

You no longer have to work at fixed rates, no matter how big the project you complete. Now, you can allocate or save all the profits from your big and small projects and clients. This gives you the freedom to then use that money to improve and develop your business.

5 weakness freelance

Not a Stabilized or reliable Workingload

Unfortunately, being a freelancer means your income and workload is unstable and inconsistent. For the most part, you will not be able to rely on any regular project, client, or profit, while you will know the exact salary you will receive in traditional work.

Distinguishing Between Jobs and Personal Time

Being your own boss and working from home also means it's hard to distinguish between work time and your personal life. This means you can work hours and never take the time for your personal interests.

A lot of work

Anda sekarang bertanggung jawab untuk menemukan semua klien dan proyek Anda sendiri. Ketika Anda mengerjakan pekerjaan tradisional, proyek Anda mungkin diserahkan kepada Anda. Tapi sekarang, Anda satu-satunya yang bertanggung jawab, jadi itu berarti banyak kerja keras di pihak Anda. Dan itu berarti Anda harus menggunakan banyak payung, termasuk pemasaran, periksedaan, dan penjualan.

Not Paid

Being a freelancer also means that you are at risk of not being paid. This is quite common in the world of freelancers, and one more hat that you should wear is a debt collector hat. There are ways to protect yourself from clients who don't pay, but sometimes you don't realize that you're at risk until it's too late.

No Office Allowance

Health allowances are expensive. Depending on your current health, switching to a lifestyle may not suit your interests. Also, starting your own freelance business means you no longer have to pay for sick days or vacation time to use. Every day you don't work is a day you won't be paid.

So after knowing plus minus being a freelancer, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!