Google Plays Landscape Mode For TikTok Users On Tablet

JAKARTA - TikTok seems to be getting attention from Google, where the company has released a new interface (UI) equipped with landscape mode for social media users on their tablet.

Not only TikTok, Google is also reportedly promoting third-party applications with UI optimized for tablets.

Seen on the Play Store, Google highlights the TikTok landscape mode for tablets on a banner. The banner is complemented by the words "Back your tablet to TikTok", but also works on foldable smartphones like the Galaxy Z Fold lineup.

In the promotional video, it shows the Following tab and For You occupying half the screen, while the comments are on the right which is quite large, but can be minimized by clicking on the right arrow.

First reported 9to5Google, quoted Tuesday, January 17, this new mode has navigation tracks on the left side of the screen, featuring four tabs, namely Home, Friends, Inbox, and Profile.

It should be noted, it was Samsung who initially partnered with TikTok to develop this mode and first debuted in the Galaxy Z Fold series.

Google has released an optimized version of tablets from several of its applications, including Google Discover, Google Keep, Google One, and YouTube.

More third-party app developers are expected to be able to bring a newer design for their apps to better use the big screen on foldable phones and tablets.