Is Golkar's View On Survey Results Not A Measuring Tool For Choosing A Contextual Presidential Candidate?

JAKARTA - Executive Director of the Indonesia Political Review (IPR) Ujang Komaruddin, highlighted the statement by Deputy General Chairperson of Golkar Nurul Arifin, who said the survey results were not a measuring tool for selecting presidential candidates (capres) because they could be orders.

In Ujang's opinion, this view needs to be supported by rational voter conditions. According to him, hard work is needed in an effort to increase voter literacy so that they are able to see the capabilities and competencies of the candidates.

Ujang said that Indonesian voters could be categorized as rational voters based on the candidate's vision and mission, programs, performance, track record, ideas, and good records.

"Rational voters will increase when the politics of ideas emerges. When Indonesian politics has started to prioritize contesting programs, contesting ideas, then the election will present a politics of ideas and ideas so that rational voters will become more prominent and stronger," said Ujang in Jakarta, Tuesday, January 17.

However, he continued, if so far voters are still emotional and mobilized then rationality will be underdeveloped because it will not be a priority. Meanwhile, on the other hand, there are also emotional voters who will make choices based on closeness, charisma, or family relationships.

"Our voters consider it to be 2, rational voters, as well as emotional voters. It's as easy as that," explained the political observer from Indonesia's Al Azhar University.

While voters are mobilized, said Ujang, they will only care about giving. For them, promises, visions, and missions, ideas are just lies, mere boasting because the chosen one is the one who gives something.

"There are also voters, in my terms, mobilized or bought. So, many of our voters are still being bought. Mobilized and then bought," he said.

In Ujang's opinion, the unreasonable majority of voters is also the reason for the rise of money politics. The Indonesian people have also not voted based on vision and mission, ideas and programs, but even worse they have been mobilized.

"That's why there are a lot of TSM (structured, systematized, massive) money politics in our elections and this happens in every election continuously. Even in 2024, it will be even more massive," he said.

Previously, Nurul Arifin emphasized that his party would carry Ketum Airlangga Hartarto as a presidential candidate (candidate) in the 2024 Presidential Election, even though the Coordinating Minister for the Economy was not included in the popular candidate category based on the survey results.

"First, I made corrections regarding the many presidential candidates (candidates) from Golkar. There is only one presidential candidate from Golkar, namely Airlangga Hartarto. So in accordance with the National Conference decision, we consistently support Airlangga Hartarto and we are not shaken," said Nurul, Saturday, January 14.

Nurul said the track record should be used as an assessment. He said Golkar was not affected by the survey results in determining the presidential candidate.

"I'm also a little confused if there are people who are fascinated by popularity while their capabilities and competencies are not seen," he added.