Jayapura Regency Government Ordered Fish Traders On Jalan Raya Sentani-Abepura

PAPUA - The Jayapura Regency Government (Pemkab), Papua has brought order to all fish traders who sell along the Sentani-Abepura highway.Regional Secretary of Jayapura Regency Hana Hikoyabi said his party had asked the Industry and Trade Office (Perindag), Satpol PP and the local district head to immediately control fish traders on the highway."We have ordered that today the Perindag Service, the district head and Satpol PP order fish traders because the highway is not a market," said Hana Hikoyabi in Sentani, Antara, Monday, January 16.According to Hana, after being brought under control, fish traders no longer sell on the highway but in traditional markets so as not to pollute urban environments.He explained that apart from the fish traders, his party would also discipline vegetable sellers on the Sentani-Abepura highway because in Sentani City there are several points that have been used as places to sell fish and vegetables."Except for vegetable sellers who are impromptu in the afternoon, while the traders who sell are disciplined every day," he said.He added that if fish traders continue to sell on the highway, it will have an impact on the cleanliness of the city and also on public health.Furthermore, he said, his party will also take steps to regulate the fruit traders who sell at Sentani Airport."Later, we will give the traders a place at the location of the former puskesmas which is close to the airport so that airports will not become impromptu markets," he said.Thus, according to Hana, Sentani City and Sentani Airport will be well organized for the sake of mutual comfort.