There Are Still Many Questions For The Implementation Of ERP In Jakarta, Heru Budi Will Be Expert Counseling And Citizens

JAKARTA - The plan to implement an electronic paid road (ERP) in the capital city really needs a thorough study. That's why Acting Governor of DKI Heru Budi Hartono will accommodate opinions from experts and the public.

"Next, we are just digging up information on the opinions of experts, the public, after all, we are still FGD (Focus Group Discussion)," Heru said in Jakarta, Friday, January 13, quoted from Antara.

According to him, the opinion of experts and the public is needed to perfect ERP-related regulations.

This discussion related to ERP did take a long time because it has been going on since 2016.

The DKI Provincial Government (Pemprov) targets ERP regulations to be completed by 2023. And when it is implemented, congestion in Jakarta is expected to decrease.

"So we are discussing the stages of the regulations, it will take quite a long time. So the order of the rules is prepared," said Heru.

While completing ERP regulations, he said, the DKI Provincial Government has improved the performance of public transportation services, including TransJakarta.

Heru explained that currently the ERP discussion is in the process with the DKI DPRD regarding the Draft Traffic Control Draft Electronically. After becoming a regional regulation (perda), there will be a derivative rule, namely a governor regulation or a governor's decision.

Furthermore, it will be discussed with the DKI DPRD regarding business processes regarding institutions that will manage, the ERP implementation plan point and the tariff issue.

"It's still a long process, there are still seven stages," he said.

One of the crucial points discussed includes the ERP tariff. Meanwhile, based on data from the DKI Transportation Agency, the principle of applying tariffs is based on the type of vehicle.

Then, the effectiveness of traffic congestion control, road traffic performance, the effectiveness of the transfer of private transport users to public transportation.

In addition, continuity and development in controlling traffic, the ability and desire to pay, the DKI Provincial Government's policy and taking into account the costs of implementing ERP.

The regional regulation also stipulates exceptions, namely electric bicycles, yellow plate generalized motorized vehicles, government agency operational service vehicles, TNI/Polri except for black plates.

Then, foreign diplomatic corps vehicles, ambulance vehicles, hearse vehicles and firefighters.