The Explosion In Sukabumi Estimated The Gubuk As A Result Of The Dilution

The Sukabumi City Police confirmed the explosion in Lemburhuma Village, Sukabumi Regency, West Java (West Java) on Wednesday, January 11, which destroyed a hut from a firecracker explosion.

"There were no casualties in this incident, but because the sound of the explosion was very loud, the residents' huts were destroyed and panicked the public," said Sukabumi City Police Chief AKBP SY Zainal Abidin, in Sukabumi, Wednesday, January 12, confiscated by Antara.

According to Zainal, his party is still investigating the explosion in Lemburhuma Village, Kebonpedes District, and has conducted a crime scene investigation (TKP).

In addition, anticipating unwanted things, personnel from the Kebonpedes Police have installed a police line around the location so that residents do not approach.

At the location, many Kebonpedes Police and Sukabumi City Police found evidence, including firecracker casings filled with dry rock soil and several other raw materials to make firecrackers.

From the investigation and asking for information or information from several witnesses, it is strongly suspected that the explosion came from firecrackers and the destroyed hut was the site where firecrackers were made.

"We are still developing this case and have made various efforts to prevent potential disturbances to public order caused by the dangers of firecrackers," he said.

Zainal also appealed to firecracker craftsmen in Lemburhuma Village and surrounding areas to change professions, because the business they are doing can threaten the safety of themselves and others.

According to him, long ago his party had reminded residents, especially craftsmen, not to re-made and traded or burned firecrackers as an effort to prevent disturbances in security and social order and anticipate things that were not desirable.

Lemburhuma Village, which is located in Kebonpedes District for decades, has become a handicraft center for making firecrackers and the expertise of making these firecrackers has decreased.