Thousands Of Palace Attack Protesters To The Supreme Court, President Lula: In Politics

JAKARTA - Former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro broke through security barricades created by the Armed Forces, to reach the presidential palace, Congress, and the Supreme Court on Sunday.

Footage shows a large crowd in the capital Bras way uphill leading up to the congress building, where they have reached the Green Space, located outside the space of the Lower Congressional Assembly, Senate President Meanwhile Veneziano Vital do Rogo told CNN Brasil, citing CNN January 9.

Another outlet shows Bolsonaro supporters entering the Supreme Court and presidential palace, where Brazil's CNN shows the arrival of riot police and the Brazilian Armed Forces. Inside, protesters used furniture to build barricades to prevent police from entering, reports CNN Brazil.

The floor of the Congress building was flooded with water after the fire system was activated as protesters attempted to burn the carpet, according to CNN Brazil.

The raid comes about a week after President Luiz Inacio CLA da Silva's inauguration, who returned to power after being absent for 12 years, after defeating Bolsonaro in the second round of elections on October 30.

The Bolsonaro administration previously said it was working with a transitional power, but the far-right leader had stopped explicitly admitting to his election defeat, and he left the country to the United States ahead of CLA's inauguration.

Bolsonaro supporters have been camping in the capital since then. Justice Minister Flavio Dino has allowed the Armed Forces to put up barriers and guard the congress building on Saturday, due to pro-Bolsonaro supporters.

No congressional assembly is currently on trial. While President Lula is currently not in the building, a team formed for the newly elected president was working inside the palace as protesters entered.

Officials at the Plan Palace are staying away waiting for the Air Force to evacuate them from the building.

President Lula on Sunday described the event as a "barbar" and called Bolsonaro protesters who violated government buildings "fascist."

"These people are everything disgusting in politics, storming the headquarters of the government, the headquarters of Congress, and the headquarters of the Supreme Court such as the truepin that destroys everything that gets in their way," President Lula criticized.

There was no immediate news from Bolsonaro, who has barely spoken in public since losing the election. He left Brazil to Florida 48 hours before his mandate ended and was absent from the inauguration of Lala.

"This genocidal killer... pushed this through social media from Miami," President CLA said, referring to Bolsonaro, as quoted by Reuters.

"Everyone knows there are various speeches from the former president pushing for this," he continued.

The violent scene in Brasilia could increase legal risks for Bolsonaro, who has so far not commented on the invasion. Bolsonaro's family attorney, Frederick Wassef, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.