At The End Of January 2023, The Ministry Of PUPR Targets The Construction Of 200 Relocation Houses In Cilaku Cianjur Rampung

CIANJUR - Ministry of PUPR targets the construction of relocation houses for earthquake victims in Sirnaginalih Village, Cilaku District, Cianjur, West Java, as many as 200 units completed by the end of January 2023.The Director General of Housing at the Ministry of PUPR, Iwan Suprijanto, said that until January 3, 2023, his party had built 188 units and 91 of them were ready to live, so he was optimistic that the construction of 200 houses would be completed in January this year."The Ministry of PUPR has handed over 91 housing units that have been completed to the local government regarding the handover of earthquake victims who have been relocated depending on regional policies," he said in Cianjur, Antara, Wednesday, January 4.His party targets the construction of 200 units of relocation houses for earthquake victims at the end of January to be completed before due, because of the 188 units built, 12 units have been established and live on the roof.Meanwhile, regarding the handover to the relocated owners, it is the duty of the local government, including data collection on prospective owners. The Ministry of PUPR only carried out construction and the rest was handed over to the local government."Our job is to hand over to the local government, regarding who owns the house, it will depend on the local government. Later the local government will hand over it to residents whose houses have been relocated, including the data collection," said Iwan.Previously, based on recommendations from the BMKG, the area of the village that had to be relocated from the location of the 5.6 magnitude earthquake in Cianjur, was reduced from 8.9 kilometers to 2.5 kilometers with a left and right radius of 0-10 meters, so that the number of re-relocating houses was recorded.It is recorded that only three villages will be relocated, two of which are in Cugenang District, precisely in Sarampad and Cijedil Villages, as well as Rawacina Village, Nagrak Village, Cianjur District. Relocation data collection is still being carried out by the Cianjur Regency Government together with BMKG.