Osteoporosis Can Be Prevented By Settings On Eating Patterns

JAKARTA - Prevention of osteoporosis can be started by managing the right diet. Clinical nutritionist and clinical sports faal science expert, dr. Princess Sakti, M.Gizi, SpGK, AIFO-K says calcium can be managed from a food source.

"We can prevent osteoporosis disease by consuming the amount of calcium according to the right daily intake dose," said dr. Putri was quoted from ANTARA.

Furthermore, adequate intake of vitamin D from various sources, for example from food or drinks, sun exposure, or can also complement it with supporting supplements.

Bone health also needs to be supported by muscle strength and heart health, one of which is through the consumption of nutrients enriched with olive extracts.

"In addition, to increase the density of bone minerals, it is important to maintain our daily calcium intake. The combination of the nutritional intake will prevent osteoporosis while maintaining heart health and warding off free radicals," said dr. Putri.

Osteoporosis can be inhibited by consuming the right daily nutritional intake according to recommendations. The daily amount of calcium recommended for men and women aged 19-50 years is 1,000 mg.

Men aged 51-70 years are still recommended to consume 1,000 mg of daily calcium, while for women aged 51-70 years are advised to consume 1,200 mg of daily calcium.

Not only calcium, but vitamin D and protein also play an important role in helping prevent osteoporosis. Vitamin D is advised to consume a daily target of 600 international units (IU) of vitamin D per day for ages 19 to 70 years and 800 IU if they are 70 years old and over.

The daily consumption of protein intake for adults is generally recommended at 0.75 gr of protein for every 1 kg of body weight.

Furthermore, to optimally maintain bone health, you can also choose nutritional intake that contains extract from olives. This is because olive fruit affects blood osteocalcin levels to be high so that it is useful to form healthy bones.

Not only that, but the extract of olive fruit is also enriched with iron, vitamin E, and calcium, which also contains natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. With excellent nutritional content, the extract of olive fruit is shown to maintain bone health, bone mineral density, cardiovascular health, and ward off free radicals.

Meanwhile, a sports medicine specialist, dr. Antonius Andi Kurniawan, SpKO said that one of the physical activities that can be done to maintain bone health while maintaining fitness is by exercising. Exercise can be done at least three or four times a week.

"The right types of sports to strengthen bones, for example through weight-resistant training and resistance training, for example running, dancing, aerobics, climbing, or tennis," said dr. Antonius.