Review Of Check Shop Next Door 2: Definition Of Adult Films

JAKARTA - Check Shop Next to 2 marks the new story of the world Check Shop Next door designed by director Ernest Prakasa. Under the production of Starvision Plus, the story developed six years after the first film.

Meira Anastasia kembali menjadi partner dalam menulis sekaligus mengarahkan. Para pemain dari film pertama juga hadir untuk melanjutkan ceritanya yaitu Ernest Prakasa, Dion Wiyoko, Adinia Wirasti, Chew Kin Wah, Asri Welas, Adjis Doa Ibu,perte, Hernawan Yoga, dan Edward Suhadi.

A new story also presents new players such as Laura Basuki who replaces Gisella Anastasia as Natalie, Maya Hasan, Widuri Puteri, Pritt Timothy, and others.

His first successful film certainly left a number of questions: Will the second film be able to match his previous success?

Check Shop Next to 2 set one month after the incident in the first film. Koh Afuk (Chew Kin Wah) is now unemployed. His life is spent fishing in a place with his friends.

Erwin (Ernest Prakasa) and Natalie (Laura Basuki) started planning the wedding. But the plan was not completely smooth because Natalie's mother (Maya Hasan) often gave aggravating conditions for Erwin and Natalie.

Yohan's (Dion Wiyoko) and Ayu's (Adonia Wirasti) household is fine, but they are starting to become indecisive when Koh Afuk wants to have grandchildren. Yohan and Ayu were also tested when they were asked to look after Amanda (Widuri Puteri), the daughter of Yohan's friend.

There are many positive developments that are present in the second film. If in the first film the story emphasizes the comedy side more, in this second film Check Toko Next to 2 emphasizes the side of the drama.

The more complex conflict makes the comedy seeds inserted thin. This comedy portion is left to the capsa gang, Ayu employees, and Asri Welas who play Sonya. The rest there are not many scenes that have comedy.

Yohan did not forget that what at first looked gloomy was now even more funny. He also seems to be infected with the taste of the capsa gang comedy which makes his character look better.

The jokes were also better and not as sexist as the first. It seems that this is also thanks to Meira Anastasia's role which is given a larger portion than before. But on the other hand, comedy scenes in Check Store Next to 2 are often too long.

In terms of drama, improvisation is much improved and even escalation is better than the first. The acting and cinematography are good, the story is more mature and grounded. The Erwin-Natalie and Yohan-Ayu conflicts can definitely be felt by young couples as well as parents.

Because it is more mature, the chemistry that is present at Check Store Next to 2 is also more fun. Who would have thought that the combination of Ernest Prakasa and Laura Basuki would be adorable. If Meira said (at a press conference) this was like a Korean drama, then this writing agreed to Meira's statement.

Likewise with the chemistry of Yohan and Ayu who is permissible like a husband and wife couple who have gone through various ups and downs. Erwin-Natalie and Yohan-Ayu have their own strengths for their stories.

An interesting story with an adult conflict makes Check Store Next to 2 a entertaining spectacle but reprimands the audience, both children and parents.

The film Check Store Next to 2 will air starting today, Thursday, December 22, 2022 in Indonesian cinemas.