What Is Bauxite: Character And Benefit In Everyday Life

YOGYAKARTA - President Joko Widodo officially issued a ban on exporting raw minerals, including bauxite ore. This ban will begin in mid-2023, June. Many have asked what bauxite is.

The ban on the export of bauxite ore issued by President Jokowi is in accordance with Law Number 3 of 2020 concerning Mineral and Coal Mining (Minerba).

"Starting June 2023, the government will impose a ban on the export of bauxite ore and encourage the domestic bauxite processing and purification industry," the President said at the State Palace on Wednesday (21/12).

A number of regions in Indonesia have very rich sources of bauxite minerals. Bauxite-producing areas in Indonesia, including Bangka Belitung, Riau, West Kalimantan, West Sumatra.

Bauxite is a rock that contains three main minerals and is related to silicate minerals, in the form of caulin and iron minerals. Bauxite has the main mineral content in the form of a boehmite, gibsit, and diaspora.

Bauxite is usually formed in the top soil layer of the lateration process. Bauxite rocks are easier to emerge in tropical and subtropic areas, which have damp and hot air temperatures.

The bauxite meeting was first held in South France, in the Les Baux area, in 1821. Bauxite was discovered by a geolog named Pierre Berthier. Meanwhile, bauxite in Indonesia has been explored since 1924 in the Bintan Islands.

Bauxit is obtained by mining from the ground surface. Bauxite is most commonly found in Africa, Australia, and South America. Meanwhile, the largest availability of bauxite in Asia is Vietnam.

Bauxite has a distinctive or unique character. The color of the bauxite will look brown-orange rather yellowish, when viewed with loose eyes.

However, the results will be different when viewed using a microscope. The bauxite will look blackish and look like a crystal when viewed from a microscope.

Bauxite has a very soft nature with a hard rate of 1-3 on a mohs scale. Bauxite is also lighter, weighing only 2.3-2.7. Bauxite is a type of rock that is easily parried. In addition, these rocks also cannot be dissolved in water and cannot burn.

The bauxite Ore is used as the raw material for making aluminum. To produce it, it must go through a process called the Bayer Process. This process aims to eliminate components that are not needed in aluminum, namely ferride, dioxide, silicon, and titanium dioxide.

In addition to being used as material for making aluminum, bauxite is also used for other needs as follows:

The Indonesian government prohibits the export of bauxite to encourage the domestic bauxite processing and refining industry. Jokowi hopes that domestic industries can develop bauxite downstream.

"From the industrialization of bauxite in the country, we estimate that state revenues will increase from Rp. 21 trillion to around Rp. 62 trillion. The government will continue to consistently carry out downstream in the country so that added value is enjoyed domestically for the progress and welfare of the people," said Jokowi.

Demikianlah penjelasan dari apa itu bauxite, mineral raw yang dilarang dipeksor oleh pemerintah Indonesia. Bauksit memiliki banyak sekali manfaat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari karena menjadi bahan dari berbagai barang atau alat, seperti kapal, furniture, pipa, alat olahraga, otomotif, dan sebagainya.

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