Disapproving With Coordinating Minister Luhut, Vice President Ma'ruf Said That The KPK OTT Is Still Needed As Long As Corruption Prevention Is Not Optimal

JAKARTA - Vice President (Vice President) Ma'ruf Amin said that the Hand Catch Operation (OTT) carried out by the KPK was still needed to coincide with the implementation of prevention and anti-corruption education.

"Actually, the eradication of corruption seems to have been formulated by the KPK itself, which is carried out comprehensively, from education, prevention and prosecution, which is very correlated," said Vice President Ma'ruf Amin, in Jakarta, Wednesday.

The Vice President conveyed this in response to a journalist's question regarding the statement by the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Menko Marves) Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan on Tuesday (20/12) who advised the KPK not to do OTT too often because the OTT made Indonesia seen as ugly.

Luhut said digitizing all sectors would reduce acts of corruption in the country. Luhut asked the KPK not to catch little hands.

"So if prevention and education have been successful, maybe there can be no action, minimal. But if this is still not successful, education and prevention as a result are in taking action, so this is how to prevent action so that there will be more massive action in education and prevention," said the Vice President.

The vice president revealed that in various countries, the three methods were also used to eradicate corruption.

"But overall what is done in the world anywhere including the KPK uses this trident approach, namely education, prevention, and prosecution," said the Vice President.

Meanwhile, Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Muhadjir Effendy admitted that he also agreed to minimize the OTT frequency.

"It is better if we minimize prosecution, including OTT, but it will happen very well if in terms of education awareness to the public changes the mentality of corruption, the officials are really aware that corruption is destroying and it takes time," said Muhadjir.

Muhadjir said efforts to prevent corruption could also be carried out with the Mental Revolution Movement.

"His name has changed mentality, it can't be done immediately and must go through a long and intensive process, and this is also the Mental Revolution Movement which was only held effectively during Mr. Jokowi's leadership, yes, both for the first and second periods," said Muhadjir.