Case Of Bribery In The Supreme Court, One More Judge Yustisi Becomes A KPK Suspect

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has named a suspect in the bribery case for case management at the Supreme Court (MA). This time it was the turn of the judicial judge to be dragged into this case.

"Currently, the KPK has named one judicial judge at the Supreme Court as a suspect," said Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri to reporters, Monday, December 19.

Ali did not specify the identity of the party. He said the full announcement would be made when the detention was made.

Even so, based on information circulating, Judge Yustial MA with the initials EW has been named a suspect. He was once caught in the arrest operation of Supreme Court Judge Sudrajad Dimyati but was released.

"We will announce the full description of the suspect's actions when there is sufficient investigation and forced detention," said Ali.

Ali ensured that the alleged bribery in handling this case would be thoroughly investigated. The public is asked to continue to monitor the continuation of the case.

"Public support, of course, the KPK is very hopeful so that the handling of investigations in this case continues in accordance with the provisions and legal mechanisms," said Ali.

Previously, the KPK had named Supreme Court Justice Gazalba Saleh as a suspect along with two other people, namely Judicial Judge Prasetio Nugroho and Gazalba staff, Redhy Novarisza. This determination is the aftermath of a hand arrest operation (OTT) within the Supreme Court some time ago.

Gazalba allegedly indicated the cassation decision of Budiman Gandi Suparman related to disputes within the Intidana Savings and Loans Cooperative.

As a result of his actions, Budiman, who is a board member, was sentenced to five years in prison. This decision was based on an agreement to give money amounting to Rp. 2.2 billion or 202,000 Singapore dollars.

In addition, the anti-corruption commission also named 10 suspects. They are the inactive Supreme Court Judge Sudrajad Dimyati, the Judicial Judge or substitute clerk, Elly Tri Pangestu (ETP); two state civil servants (ASN) at the Supreme Court, Desy Yustria (DY) and Muhajir Habibie (MH); and two ASNs at the MA, Nurmanto Akmal (NA), and Albasri (AB).

Next, lawyers Yosep Parera (YP) and Eko Suparno (ES) as well as debtors of the Intidana Savings and Loans Cooperative, Heryanto Tanaka (HT), and Debtor of the Savings and Loans Cooperative Ivan Dwi Kusuma Sujanto (IDKS).