The Fly Invite Fans To Face Problems Through Song Let The Music

JAKARTA - The Fly band released a new single, "Let the Music", which invites listeners to face problems with music because music can be both a damper and a sedative.

vocalist and guitarist Kin Aulia and bassist Levi Santoso argues that music has some kind of magical power to change someone's mood instantly.

That song must have a weight or message to convey. And the message of this song is quite simple. When you are down, sad, feeling hopeless, sometimes listening to the song can be treated," Levi said in a written statement quoted by Antara, Sunday, December 18.

This, he continued, is also related to his personal life. When he feels there is a problem, by listening to songs, his heart is happy again.

"Hearing the song is relaxation, sometimes you will get something after listening to the song. And I hope the people who listen to it feel relaxed about what they feel," he said.

Through Let the Music, The Fly this time chose to collaborate with Widyo Yes Prastowo, the keyboardist of the Ecoutez group!. This song is actually created by Iyas which is not meant to be used for Ecorez! because it does not match the character of the band.

On the other hand for Kin and Levi, the song is quite fresh to be a new encouragement on The Fly.

This song has never been published, and I did it in the lyrics too. So the three of us just executed the music. That's enough," said Kin.

Furthermore, Let the Music for The Fly is a form of their responsibility as musicians. Kin and Levi want to produce songs and want people to listen and enjoy them.

According to them, music is passion, not just to maintain existence.