Ahead Of Christmas And New Year's Day, Immigration Ready To Face A Jump In Passport Requests For Malaysians And West Kalimantan

Head of Immigration Class II Entikong Sam Fernando ensured the readiness of immigration officers to provide maximum service ahead of Christmas 2022 and New Year 2023. The immigration is located at the Indonesia-Malaysia border in the Sanggau region, West Kalimantan (West Kalimantan).

"We have prepared ourselves for services, both crossers at national borders, if there is a possibility of a surge in passport applicants," said Sam at Entikong Sanggau, Sunday, December 28, quoted by Antara.

Fernando said that his party was also preparing officers regarding changes to regulations, including the policy of providing convenience for tourists from Southeast Asia who were granted visa-free for tourism or VOA. The policy is in accordance with the latest Circular Letter of the Director General of Immigration.

In addition, it was also confirmed that the officers were ready for a possible spike in passport applicants for the Entikong, Sekayam and a number of areas in Sanggau Regency, which are adjacent to the Entikong Immigration Office.

He explained, since the issuance of Permenkumham number 18 of 2022, the validity period for passport applications for Indonesian citizens over the age of 18 has changed their validity period from five years to 10 years.

"It adds to the public's appeal to apply for a passport at a fixed cost," said Fernando.

According to him, Entikong Immigration officers are also confirmed to be able to implement operating standards (SOPs) and improve performance that is increasingly professional, accountable, synergistic, transparent and innovative (Pasti).

Fernando, also continues to remind all employees to maintain health while on duty and adhere to health protocols, along with the emergence of new variants of the COVID-19 mutation.

He emphasized that related to security at the Entikong Immigration office, they must continue to carry out the defense mechanism, overcome risks in accordance with existing SOPs.

In addition, Fernando also said to apply the principle of emergency where it is necessary to identify and draw up plans with the current situation, potential that may occur in the future, so it is necessary to plan and prepare the worst.

He also hopes that the TPI Entikong Class II Immigration Office ahead of the 2023 New Year, can always provide the best service for international travelers at the Entikong Cross-Border Post (PLBN) and to applicants for travel documents (passports) for Indonesian citizens as well as residence permits for foreigners.

"We continue to strive to provide the best service and Immigration Entikong can remain vigilant and professional in carrying out its duties for the stability of state security and the economic progress of the Republic of Indonesia," he said.