National Police Claims Undercover Iptu Umbaran Becomes a Journalist Does Not Disturb Press Freedom

JAKARTA - The National Police ensured that Iptu Umbaran Wibowo, who disguised himself as a journalist, did not interfere with press freedom. Especially in the Blora region, Central Java.

"What is clear is that after I communicated with friends in Central Java regarding the issue of press freedom in Central Java, it seems that it is working very well", said the Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo, to journalists, Friday, December 16.

In addition, from the results of coordination with the Central Java Regional Police, Iptu Umbaran Wibowo's presence while undercover never hindered the work of his fellow journalists. Iptu Umbaran is said to be well-received among journalists.

"There were no problems in communication with friends in the media. Everything went well", he said.

However, when asked about intelligence rules, Dedi could not say much. The reason is that the information is closed or confidential.

"Technically related to intelligence issues, it doesn't only happen in Indonesia in various countries, it's closed in nature", said Dedi.

For information, Iptu Umbaran Wibowo disguised himself as a journalist for 14 years. He served in the Blora area, Central Java.

According to the Press Council data, Umbaran Wibowo is listed as a journalist for TVRI Central Java and even took a competency test in 2018 through the PWI testing agency with the status of an intermediate journalist.