1 Of The 2 Children Drowned In The Jambi Day Batang River Found Dead

JAMBI - Basarnas Jambi stated that one of the two children who drowned as a result of playing and drifting in the Batang Hari River was found dead. The victim was then immediately evacuated by a joint team and taken to the funeral home."The joint SAR team and the community found one victim on behalf of Rizki (8) and the body was found not far from the scene, which was about 20 meters and after being evacuated the victim was taken to the funeral home," said Public Relations of the Jambi Basarnas, Lutfi in a statement in Jambi, Antara, Wednesday, December 14.He explained that members of the Joint SAR team are now continuing to search for another victim named Kadapi (8) whose body has not been found after being swept away and drowned on Tuesday.On the second day of the search for two children drowning in the Batang Hari River, the SAR team focused on sweeping as far as 4 km, starting at 07.00 WIB and at 10.30 WIB one victim was found dead by officers on the riverbank.The two children were swept away while playing in the Batang Hari River, precisely in Tebo Regency last Tuesday at 11.15 WIB and the Communications Office of the Jambi Basarnas received information and then immediately searched.In that incident the first victim on behalf of Riski (8) slipped and fell into the Batang Hari River while playing, then the second victim on behalf of Kadapi (8) also wanted to help the victim but was carried away by the river current and drowned."Now at the search location there is a Bungo SAR Post Team carrying equipment such as rescue trucks, rubber boats, water rescue equipment, medical equipment, evacuation equipment and communication equipment," said Lutfi.