Animal Lovers Community Report Case Of Kitten Shot With Air Rifle To Police

JAKARTA - Animal lovers community, Animal Defender, made a report to the police regarding the maltreatment of a number of cats by unscrupulous residents in Pulogadung, East Jakarta.

"The incident occurred on Thursday, December 3. A village cat named Unyil was tortured using an air rifle," said Animal Defender chairman, Doni Herdarutona, in Jakarta, as reported by Antara, Friday, December 18.

Doni, together with a number of colleagues from Indonesia Sayang Domestic Cats and Animal Defender's legal department, came to the East Jakarta Police Headquarters Criminal Officer to make a police report on Friday afternoon.

In the report, Doni included a number of photos and x-rays of the condition of a cat that was injured by an air gun shot.

"There are three projectiles lodged in the cat's body. This can be fired three times. If the tail is in the left leg, then the second bullet is in the jaw," he said.

Head of Animal Defender Doni Herdarutona shows the results of a post mortem in the form of a nose bullet lodged in the body of a cat at Mapolrestro, East Jakarta, Friday, December 18. (Andi Firdaus / Antara)

In the police report number 2172 / K / XII / 2020 / RESTRO JAKTIM, it is stated that the initials of the reported are S, a resident of Rawamangun, Pulogadung, East Jakarta.

S was reported to the police for shooting a cat from above his house in Gang Daksinapati RT08 RW14, Rawamangun Village.

"The perpetrator understands to immobilize first, then take the next shot. This cat was successfully captured on December 11, 2020 and then observed, we X-rays then found the nose of an air rifle bullet in the left leg and a translucent jaw," he said.

The chairman of Indonesia Loves Domestic Cats, Sani Kurniawan, shows a police report on the torture of residents in Pulogadung against a village cat at Mapolrestro, East Jakarta, Friday 18 December. (Andi Firdaus / Antara).

Chairman of Indonesia Loves Domestic Cats, Sani Kurniawan said that at least six cats were found dead in the vicinity of the incident.

"The reported party is like cat haters. Our consideration is not to use weapons in places that are not permitted. He shoots in a residential area, if there are people it could be dangerous. Six cats have died there. S usually shoots during the day and evening, "he said.

Animal Defender assessed that the reported party had violated Article 302 of the Criminal Code concerning animal mistreatment by threatening a month in prison.

"In addition, there is also the Chief of Police Regulation Number 8 of 2012 Article 4 concerning the use of air guns in certain places," he said.