The Benefits Of The Cempaka Flower For Health, Can Drug The Radang Gusi

JAKARTA - The flower, which has the scientific name Magnolia Champaca, is one type of flower that is easy to find in Asian areas. Cempaka flowers have various colors such as yellow, white, orange, and red.

Often associated with mystical things because of its very distinctive and pungent smell, cempakatary flowers have many health benefits. Here are some of the benefits of cempaka flowers quoted from the Health Benefits Times, Monday, December 12.

The content contained in the cempaka flower has properties that can help overcome and kill bacteria in the mouth. Cempaka flowers are able to maintain the health of the gums, including gum inflammation such as bleeding or swelling.

White cempaka flowers are often used in the treatment of the Chinese people to maintain a balance of body energy and be able to reduce negative feelings due to anxiety disorders due to stress.

Whiteness is a problem that is often experienced by most women. Whiteness is caused by infections of viruses, fungi, bacteria, and parasites. Whiteness also often creates an unpleasant odor and makes it uncomfortable. Cempaka flowers also have benefits that can help overcome the problem of whiteness.

Having a fragrant aroma, cempaka flowers also have benefits that can help remove body odors. This fragrant aroma in this flower can reduce body odors and unpleasant odors caused by sweat and bacteria.

Climate change causes the spread of many bacteria and viruses, causing various diseases. To cure fever caused by viruses and bacteria, you can dry cempaka flowers, then drink boiled water to relieve fever.

If you work too often in front of a laptop, you will gradually experience visual impairment due to exposure to blue rays. For that, if you make a cempaka flower ingredients and drink them with sugar every day, your vision will become clearer.