Memanjakan 70 Anggota Untuk Razia 4 Tempat Entertainment Malam, Tapi Hanya 1 Orang YANG Positif Narkoba

Jambi - Jambi Regional Police carried out drug management operations in the jurisdiction of the Jambi Regional Police by raiding entertainment locations prone to drug trafficking, Sunday morning, December 11.

Jambi Police Chief Inspector General Rusdi Hartono, said the purpose of the operation was to ensure that the end of the nightclub was free from the use of narcotics and illegal drugs.

"The team that was dispatched in the operation was 70 people led by the Head of Sub-Directorate III of the Jambi Regional Police, AKBP Mat Sanusi. The target of the operation was a nightclub in Jambi City," said Rusdi Hartono, quoted from Antara, Sunday, December 11.

During the drug raid, the team visited about four nights in Jambi City. Personnel conduct searches and urine checks on every visitor who comes and is at that location.

"While at the entertainment venue, the team on duty immediately conducted a search and urine check on every visitor who was there," he explained.

Of the four entertainment locations that were examined and searched, only found in one entertainment venue, namely a male visitor who tested positive for methamphetamine.

"Yes, it is true that one man we tested positive urine," he confirmed.

Meanwhile, for the other three places, no evidence of narcotics was found and no visitors were found who were positive for taking drugs.

The police periodically conduct checks on entertainment locations prone to drug trafficking, to create Jambi City free from drugs.

A few days ago, the Jambi Police also conducted a raid in the Pandan Island area, Jambi City, which is suspected to be the location for drug trafficking.