Ginanjar Rahmawan Student Assistance Throughout Indonesia Through Curhat Skripsi

JAKARTA - The script, which is a scientific paper in the form of a presentation on the results of research by undergraduate students (S1), will have a major impact on determining whether or not a student will pass. The thesis is intended so that students are able to write and compose a scientific work in accordance with the field of science they are undergoing.

Students who have successfully passed the thesis will be considered capable of understanding, describing, analyzing and explaining problems related to their scientific fields. To obtain a bachelor's degree (S1), the thesis exam is a requirement that must be met by students either at State Universities (PTN) or Private Universities (PTS).

However, this thesis test seems to be a scourge for some students and mentions that this is quite difficult. Although the thesis test must have been known since the beginning of lectures.

Not a few undergraduate students are stressed and even discouraged because their thesis has not been completed and has been rejected many times by lecturers.

Some of the reasons that cause the thesis not to end include having problems with lecturers, rarely following thesis guidance, inappropriate titles, writing less neat, lazy, no place to interact and so on.

Understanding these difficulties, Ginanjar Rahmawan, SE., MM., MH. who is an academic at the Lecturer Marketing at STIE Surakarta poured out his sympathy to students by providing free thesis sharing support for students who are struggling in the thesis exam.

Since November 2022, Ginanjar Rahmawan has been actively venting his thesis on which students want to discuss his difficulties, to almost all provinces, both from PTN and PTS, from Aceh to Papua. In fact, there are almost 1,500 students who are members of the Curhat Skripsi group with Ginanjar.

He held this thesis waste through chats and online meetings.

"They rest for almost 24 hours on my cellphone, some even at 12 in the morning. Usually I will reply to their discussion at dawn, then afternoon to evening and at night," said Ginanjar, quoted Wednesday, December 7.

In addition to venting on his thesis, Ginanjar said that he also often holds online discussion simulation seminar proposals.

"Currently we always hold online discussions about several things, for example how to make titles, then we also hold simulation seminar proposals to ensure participants are ready if they are going to do semi-pro on campus," said Ginanjar.

According to him, the title becomes a difficulty that is often experienced by students in compiling thesis. This is because the thesis preparation process begins with a title, many cannot make appropriate titles and those who have problems being resolved in their research.

Then what theoretical problems are appropriate to use in research and how to write chapters per chapter is also often asked by students. In addition, research methods such as analysis tools are also often questioned.

Ginanjar admitted that he did this sincerely to help the students because he had also experienced confusion in his thesis exam.

"When I was a student in the past, I experienced confusion in writing thesis, there were a lot of sources in books and on the internet, but I couldn't understand because there was no interaction. This prompted me to help students so that there was a place for discussion or interaction to ask whatever their difficulties were. My hope is that students can independently work on the thesis, know what is written and solve it on time," explained Ginanjar.

To students who are struggling for their thesis, Ginanjar advised that never be discouraged when the thesis is revised by the lecturer, which is part of the process towards perfection.

Then he also advised not to wait for good writing to process, because every stage of guidance with the supervisor there will be a repair process. In venting the thesis, the touching moment that Ginanjar Rahmawan had experienced was when students reported to him that the proposal had passed.

There are even students who write the name Ginanjar in their thanks to their thesis sheets, and not a few pray for Ginanjar's health.