Serdang Market Traders Complain The Existence Of Illegal Shadow Markets In Kemayoran

The rise of the shadow market in the Kemayoran area has an impact on the decline in the turnover of the official traders at Serdang Market, Kemayoran, Central Jakarta.

"I asked the Governor of DKI to come directly here to check the market conditions, then order the presence of illegal traders outside the Serdang market which made our turnover decline," Sunarto complained to reporters, Tuesday, December 6.

A number of traders in the traditional market in the Serdang area, Kemayoran asked the Acting Governor of DKI Heru Budi Hartono to immediately bring order to the shadow market managed by irresponsible persons.

According to Sunarto, the shadow market in question is next to the Kemayoran District Office. Moreover, the market also closed roads for residents and sidewalks.

Furthermore, Sunarto also said that traders had already complained to the Kemayoran sub-district but were ignored.

"We are surprised why the sub-district is doing omission, even though it is a government office. Not to mention that ambulance access has been disrupted due to the existence of the shadow market," he said.

Di tempat yang sama, Anggi pedagang pasar juga sempat meminta agar pihak kecamatan melakukan penertiban terhadap pedagang liar. Pasalnya pedagang liar di luar pasar Serdang menjual perdagangan yang sama seperti di dalam pasar.

"We are here to pay to the government, but we are here who are even quiet. Meanwhile, out there, we pay to people," he said.

Regarding the condition of the shadow market above the public street facility, the Kemayoran sub-district head, Asep Mulyaman, has not provided an official statement to reporters.

Previously, it was reported that the traditional market owned by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government in Central Jakarta was criticized by the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Heru Budi Hartono. This was conveyed when Acting Governor Heru participated during a leadership meeting (rapim) with the Central Jakarta City Government.

The condition of traditional markets in Central Jakarta is getting slum and dirty. Heru asked the Central Jakarta City Government to rearrange a number of traditional markets.

Acting Governor Heru instructed the Mayor of Central Jakarta, Dhany Sukma, to immediately reorganize the traditional market owned by the DKI provincial government in Central Jakarta.

"I ask that there be good market examples, there are three markets, namely Serdang Market, Nangka Bungur Market and Rawa Buffalo Market, so we ask for it to be repaired," said Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta, Heru Budi Hartono to reporters, Monday, December 5.

Heru said that the restructuring of traditional markets was carried out to become a pilot market in order to make traders and buyers feel comfortable.