Putri Candrawati Tipu General Police Regarding Harassment In Duren Tiga

JAKARTA - The defendant Putri Candrawathi managed to deceive the former Karo Provos of the National Police Propam Division Brigadier General Benny Ali about the harassment by Nopriansyah Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J at the Police Complex, Duren Tiga, South Jakarta.

Ferdy Sambo's wife tricked Benny Ali during the examination process at Saguling's house, precisely after Brigadier J was shot to death.

"What did Putri tell you?" asked the judge during a trial at the South Jakarta District Court, Tuesday, December 6.

"At that time, Mrs. Putri came down from above. So there is a room, I, Santo, and Mr. FS," he continued.

On that occasion, Benny tried to explore the real facts and the motive for the shooting. At that time, Putri said that she had been harassed by Brigadier J.

"I'm sorry, ma'am, what do you think happened, what you experienced related to the incident at Duren's house? So at that time Ibu Putri cried," said Benny Ali

"He said that at that time he had just returned from Magelang, wearing shorts, resting at Duren's house three, was taking it easy. After that, he cried again. After that, Mr. FS told the story again," he continued.

Until finally, Putri managed to outwit Benny Ali and several other police officers by claiming to have been carried out by Brigadier J.

"After that I asked again, what's the story. Then the late Josua carried out the harassment so he shouted, then the deceased came out," said Benny.

"What was told by the abuse?" asked the judge.

"Strengthened," answered Benny.

"Paha?" said the judge.

"Yes," said Benny.

The lie about sexual harassment in Duren Tiga was revealed based on the results of the investigation by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police.

At that time, it was said that from a series of searches for evidence and information, there were no facts of harassment.

In fact, Bareskrim decided to stop the investigation process of the alleged harassment.