Langgar Batas Negara Saat Melaut, 8 Fishermen NTT Ditahan Polisi Perairan Australia

The East Nusa Tenggara Marine and Fisheries Service (DKP) stated that eight fishermen from Rote Ndao Regency, NTT, Indonesia were detained by the Australian Border Force (ABF) or Australian water police last week."This man was just arrested and detained last week for violating the territorial waters between Indonesia and Australia," said Head of Marine and Fishery Resources Supervision of the NTT DKP Mery Foenay in Papela village, East Rote District, Antara, Wednesday, November 30.Currently eight fishermen are still being held in Australia and are currently undergoing trial and punishment for their actions in violation of national rules.The authority of the provincial government through the NTT Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Service is limited to only when it is returned to Indonesia by the Australian government.Meanwhile, communication on the repatriation of a number of fishermen was carried out between the two countries, both by the Australian government and the Indonesian Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries."Later we will definitely receive information from the KKP about their return and coordinate for their return to their area of origin," he added.Meanwhile, the Main Fisheries Supervisor of the Directorate General of PSDKP KKP RI Nugroho Aji added, based on KKP records, there are two ships from Papela fishermen, Rote Ndao who are now detained in Australia. “ The two ships were detained for violating the border, he added.Kepala Desa Papela Sugiarto FA Azhari ketika dikonfirmasi juga mengakui hal tersebut. Katanya, dua kapal tersebut, masing-masing kapal terdapat empat orang baik nahkoda maupun ABK.