Director General Hubdat Strengthens Dozens Of Marine Inspectors

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) through the Directorate General of Land Transportation (Ditjen Hubdat) confirmed 63 marine inspectors. They will be tasked with maintaining the safety and security of River, Lake and Ferry Transportation (TSDP).

A number of Directorate General Hubdat personnel have received training and technical guidance from the Marine Transportation Education and Training Center (BP2TL) of the Directorate General of Sea Transportation, the Indonesian Classification Bureau and the Palembang SDP Transportation Polytechnic.

"I congratulate my newly appointed colleagues. My hope is that after this we do not remain silent, we will show the river, lake and ferry industry players that we are capable of doing this," said Director General Hubdat Budi Setiyadi in his statement, Tuesday, 15 December.

Apart from dozens of marine inspectors, the inauguration was also carried out for 57 assistant marine inspectors, 54 ship surveyors, 60 porters and 60 assistant porters. This inauguration activity is a manifestation of the implementation of the Minister of Transportation Regulation Number PM 122 of 2018 concerning the Organization and Work Procedure of the Ministry of Transportation.

Director General Budi added that the Land Transportation Management Agency (BPTD) is the spearhead of the harbormaster officer, so he is asked to create an actual and implemented program. In order to further hone the skills of officers so that they are maximized in providing services.

"Until now, the safety and security function of TSDP has not been fully implemented by the Directorate General of Hubdat because it is still preparing regulations, competencies, facilities, infrastructure, and institutional budgeting. With this inauguration we hope to show our responsibility and capability," he explained.

On the other hand, Director General Budi also asked BPTD which owns river and lake areas to immediately optimize its services for the benefit of the community. Where said, Director General Budi, next year 2021 there will be a lot of plans for the construction of docks for rivers and lakes.

"I ask the TSDP Directorate to continue the development of several regulations in the TSDP sector. In addition, I also ask the BPTD heads to coordinate well with all stakeholders in their working areas, including asking for technical assistance with the TSDP Directorate, especially those related to the marine properness of SDP ships. and SDP law enforcement, "he concluded.