Trauma Healing Is An Important Part Of Rehabilitation Of Cianjur Disaster Victims, This Is Understanding To The Fase

YOGYAKARTA Trauma healing is an important thing that must be given to disaster victims, especially for children. This method is also given to earthquake victims in Cianjur Regency, West Java, which occurred on Monday, November 21.

A number of state institutions, activists, and companies also helped provide assistance in the form of trauma healing for victims of the Cianjur earthquake. Efforts to cure the trauma were carried out using various methods. For more details, here are the short reviews.

Trauma healing is a term that refers to efforts to cure psychological trauma. According to the American Psychological Association, the understanding of trauma is a person's emotional response to an event that is considered terrible. This response can be in the form of shock and shock. It causes a long psychological impact,

Meanwhile, in the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), trauma is a mental condition or abnormal behavior as a result of mental pressure or physical injury.

From this understanding, it can be concluded that in general the meaning of trauma healing is an effort to cure psychological trauma for victims who experience psychological shocks. These shocks are caused by various things such as disasters, violence, or events that are unusual to a person.

Trauma healing aims to restore the victim's emotional condition after being shaken by past fears. This method also aims to prevent victims from being haunted by past fears that have an impact on the victim's mental and emotional stability.

Trauma healing is intended for children and adults who experience psychological shocks. These shocks can be caused by negative events that have been experienced in the past. The following are victims who have had trauma healing when experiencing mental shocks.

In practice, the therapist has various trauma healing methods that can be adapted to the needs of the victim. Some methods that can be chosen are as follows.

Farmakotherapy is one method used with drugs to manage trauma. It should be remembered that the drugs used do not really cure but relieve traumatic symptoms that arise such as symptoms of intrusion, emotional reactions, increased passion, temperamental, to depression.

Behavioral therapy is exposure therapy or exposure. This method will direct victims to deal with fear rather than run away from fear. This step is carried out in stages.

This method is based on the idea that one must correct and change the wrong mind and improve their skills and knowledge. This method is very effective at dealing with psychological disorders such as anxiety, anger control, to general stress.

This method will bring individuals to terms of hypotosis. After that, the therapist will invite the person to a conversation session in depth, including those related to the problems he feels.

This therapy is carried out to identify which phase affects the victim's trauma. After that, the therapist can only manage aspects of traumatic events that cause disorders in the patient.

This method is usually used as additional therapy. Group therapy will choose one leader, either from psychologists, therapists, or from members who are traumatized. This method will focus on providing support to each other.

In practice, an expert such as a psychologist will carry out a process of healing psychological trauma in traumatized victims by going through 3 phases, which is as follows.

Trauma healing is an important psychological healing activity to be carried out, especially for victims of natural disasters such as those experienced by residents of Cianjur Regency, West Java. To monitor other developments, visit VOI.ID.