The DKI Provincial Government Explains The Cause Of The 2023 RAPBD Swelling IDR 1.2 Trillion

JAKARTA - Head of the DKI Jakarta Regional Financial Management Agency (BPKD) Michael Rolandi Cesnanta Brata explained the cause of the DKI Jakarta Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget Draft (RAPBD) for the 2023 fiscal year swelled by IDR 1.2 trillion.

Michael said the increase in the budget from the General Budget Policy and Temporary Budget Priority Ceiling (KUA-PPAS) agreement to the RAPBD was due to an increase in the projected remaining more budget use (SiLPA).

"The increase was due to the projected increase in the SiLPA for the 2022 Fiscal Year, which was previously allocated Rp 6.7 trillion to Rp 7.9 trillion," Michael said in his statement, Tuesday, November 29.

Michael emphasized that his party prioritized the allocation of regional budgets and capital participation (PMD) to BUMD for 3 priority programs for Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono, namely flood control, handling congestion, and anticipating the impact of recession.

"Until the end of the APBD determination for Fiscal Year 2023, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government always maintains harmony and consistency with priority programs that have been prepared in the major project planning and implementation document that has been stated in the 2023 National Strategic Project (PSN)," he explained.

Furthermore, Michael revealed, in the preparation of the RAPBD for the 2023 fiscal year which will be agreed upon, the projected regional income is IDR 74.38 trillion and Financing Revenue is IDR 9.40 trillion.

"Meanwhile, regional expenditures amounted to Rp74.61 trillion and financing expenditures amounted to Rp9.16 trillion," said Michael.

In the early hours of Friday, November 25, the DKI Jakarta DPRD Budget Agency and the DKI Regional Government Budget Team (TAPD) agreed on a DKI RAPBD worth IDR 83.7 trillion.

Next year's RAPBD was agreed at IDR 83.7 trillion, an increase of IDR 1.2 trillion from the preparation of the KUA-PPAS which was set at IDR 82.5 trillion.

The amount was agreed upon in the deepening and final research meeting of the APBD draft document as a result of the discussion of five commissions in the DKI Jakarta DPRD along with units and work units of partner regional apparatus over the past week.

"Today, it can be agreed that the DKI Jakarta Provincial Budget for the 2023 fiscal year is IDR 83,781,085,902,192," said Banggar Chairman Prasetio Edi Marsudi, Friday, November 25.