Complete The Road Test, Fuel B40 Enters The Component Rating Rate Stage

JAKARTA - After the success of the Cold Startability Road Test using B40 (40 percent biodiesel mixing in diesel fuel), four B40 test vehicles continued to the next stage, namely the Machine Component Rating Stage.

"Currently, the B40 road test is heading to the final stage after 50,000 km for small vehicles (< 3.5 tons) to be overhauled or dismantled in the engine. With the difference in fuel, is there a difference in the formation of deposits in it, then the engine components will be analyzed using the method of testing the rating of vehicle engine components," said Director of Bioenergetics at the Directorate General of EBTKE, Edi Wibowo in Jakarta, Tuesday, November 29.

He conveyed that the Application Laboratory of the Center for Oil and Gas Testing "LEMIGAS" carried out a number of stages of machine component Rating activities such as overhauls and initial ratings of vehicle engine components, vehicle road tests, and overhaul stages and final ratings of B40 road test vehicle components.

The engine component rating was tested to observe the impact of B40 fuel on vehicle engines.

On the same occasion, the Head of LEMIGAS, Ariana Soemanto said, LEMIGAS will continue to support the Vehicle Performance Test on B40 fuel by completing the Road Test which is targeted for completion by the end of December 2022.

"The B40 fuel readiness is almost complete, the B40 test has now reached the Final Machine Overhaul stage, the test being carried out at the LEMIGAS laboratory," said Ariana.

With the Final Machine Overhaul test, he continued, the Application Laboratory analyzed the impact of B40 fuel on engine components. Supported by high-tech laboratory equipment and experienced and competent laboratory personnel have escorted the B40 fuel Road Test trip to the Final Overhaul stage.

In the final overhaul and rating stages, the B40 vehicle unit has carried out final rating measurements and analysis by referring to the ASTM Manual 20, as well as testing on the Intake Valve Deposits (IVD) and Combustion Chamber Deposits (CCD).

The aim of final rating testing is to observe the deposit and the impact of B40 fuel on the machine through the observation and analysis of the pre-after condition of the B40 fuel test road vehicle engine.

In the measurement section, no validity of the engine components was found in the P1 test vehicle using B40 and B30D10 fuel after road tests were up to 50.000 km.

The results of machine component measurements such as ring gap, side ring clearance and cylinder bore liner as a whole meet the maximum limit limit specifications according to the manufacturer's engine manual book.

From visual observations, the scratch conclusion that occurred in the P1 test engine piston skirt of B40 and B30D10 fuel test vehicles was considered normal in the combustion process in the engine fuel room and the script was not caused by fuel.

"After reviewing all the test results, the B40 and B30D10 fuels did not have a significant impact on the engine components of the P1 test vehicle and did not have a negative impact on the performance of the test vehicle until the end of the 50,000 km road test," Ariana concluded.