Socializing The State Budget, Ranks Of Sri Mulyani 'downstream' Titles Of The Ministry Of Finance Program Teaching In Schools

JAKARTA Earlier this week the Ministry of Finance simultaneously carried out Ministry of Finance Teaching activities in several schools throughout Indonesia.

At the main ceremony, Deputy Minister of Finance (Wamenkeu) Suahasil Nazara participated in this agenda by teaching at SMA Negeri 69 on Pramuka Island, Thousand Islands, Jakarta.

The state budget is the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget. The state budget is an instrument to achieve the country's goals. What are the goals of the country? The purpose of this country is to protect all citizens from various threats, educate the nation's life, and prosper the Indonesian people," he said in a written statement on Monday, November 28.

Suahasil explained, the APBN consists of components of state revenue and state expenditure. State revenues are all state revenues collected from taxes, customs and excise, and PNBP. Then, state expenditures are all state expenditures used to finance state development and activities.

According to him, in the pandemic the spending component has grown because the state needs more money to handle COVID-19. Meanwhile, on the other hand, state revenues have decreased due to disrupted economic activity during the pandemic.

"This situation then makes the state budget deficit grow," he said

Suahasil added that the state budget deficit does not mean that the state will suffer losses because the expenditure sector is bigger than the income side.

"No (losses). The state is not in a situation of profit or loss, but the state is carrying out its function to protect the community," he stressed.

Sri Mulyani's deputy also revealed that the debt was carried out to cover the difference between revenue and expenditure to finance the country's needs. Debt, he continued, is used to finance productive activities and must be managed prudently within safe limits.

"So if the debt is used to finance productive things and the country's priorities are okay, what is important is that it is still managed properly and safely," he said.

Furthermore, Suahasil expressed his appreciation to all 4,370 Ministry of Finance Teaching volunteers who have participated this year. In addition, he also expressed his appreciation and thanked all schools that have been willing to accept the Ministry of Finance to carry out the activities of the Ministry of Finance Teaching

"Hopefully we can provide inspiration, provide knowledge, give encouragement, to all the nation's children wherever they are as part of our goal to manage state finances," concluded Deputy Minister of Finance Suahasil Nazara.