Invite Construction Actors Use Domestic Products, Minister Basuki Make Sure Most Of The PUPR Budget Has Been Filled With TKDN

Jakarta - Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono asked construction actors to use domestic products. This is in accordance with President Joko Widodo's order, the main infrastructure work that uses the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) funds must use domestic products.

"With this construction exhibition, I invite all to advance the Indonesian construction industry with fighting values for the development of independent infrastructure that uses domestic products," he said in Jakarta, Wednesday, November 23.

For goods that cannot be produced independently in the country, Basuki said the Government invites producers to be able to set up factories in Indonesia. "Don't let us buy but only open job opportunities outside, we must be able to create job opportunities in Indonesia," Minister Basuki ordered.

Basuki added, of the approximately Rp400 trillion APBN for infrastructure development, the majority have been disbursed for domestic component goods.

"Especially at the Ministry of PUPR, of the average budget of IDR 120 trillion per year, 80-90 percent is with the level of domestic components or TKDN," he said.

The Director General (Dirjen) of Construction Development of the Ministry of PUPR Yudha Mediawan added that there were 94 participants in the 2022 Infrastructure Connect. The 79 exhibitors came from domestic industries and 15 others came from abroad.

"Including the four business actors who have been registered in the e-catalog of the Ministry of PUPR, for heavy equipment, laboratory equipment Bina Marga and Aspal Buton (Asbuton)," said Yudha.

Construction Indonesia 2022 was officially held on 23-25 November 2022 at Hall D2, Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo), Kemayoran, Central Jakarta. This exhibition combines three events in one forum, namely Construction Indonesia, Indonesia Infrastructure Week, and Beton Indonesia.

Chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Arsjad Rasjid said the importance of implementing TKDN in the construction sector was to make Indonesia independent. For this reason, he invites business actors to support the Government's strategy which has committed to encouraging TKDN in every aspect, especially in the construction sector.

"To realize the development of TKDN infrastructure and to be able to stand alone, it is necessary, such as capacity building and the quality of national human resources," said Arsjad.